National Mall and Memorial Parks - All Documents and Projects

National Capital » District of Columbia

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End
Environmental Assessment for the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial Environmental Assessment for the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial Aug 08, 2005
Environmental Assessment for the Establishment of the Victims of Communism Memorial Environmental Assessment for the Establishment of the Victims of Communism Memorial Aug 08, 2005
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Sep 13, 2005
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Site Selection Jun 23, 2006
Visitor Transportation Study for the National Mall and Surrounding Park Areas Environmental Assessment and Visitor Transportation Study, November 2006 Jan 05, 2007
National Mall Plan National Mall Questions Mar 16, 2007
Washington Circle Pedestrian Improvements 2008 Design Concepts and Materials Mar 12, 2008
Environmental Assessment for Design Alternatives for the Potomac Park Levee System. Public Notice and Fact Sheet for Potomac Park Levee Scoping Meeting Jun 20, 2008
Environmental Assessment for a Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 Sep 08, 2008
Environmental Assessment for Design Alternatives for the Potomac Park Levee System. EFFECTS ON HISTORIC PROPERTIES OF THE POTOMAC PARK LEVEE PROJECT Sep 15, 2008
Environmental Assessment for Design Alternatives for the Potomac Park Levee System. Potomac Park Levee CFA briefing - NEW Version Dec 05, 2008
Environmental Assessment for Design Alternatives for the Potomac Park Levee System. NCPC Concept Review Package Jan 09, 2009
Columbus Circle/ Columbus Plaza Rehabilitation Columbus Plaza Environmental Assessment Feb 04, 2009
Environmental Assessment for Design Alternatives for the Potomac Park Levee System. Potomac Park Levee Project Environmental Assessment Mar 02, 2009
National Mall Wayfinding and New Pedestrian Guides Wayfinding and New Pedestrian Guides Mar 20, 2009
Repair and Control Settlement at Jefferson Memorial Seawall, Repair and Control Settlement at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Seawall, North Plaza, and Transition Areas Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect May 29, 2009
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Surrounding Area Meeting Notice Aug 14, 2009
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center, Revised Design Concepts Sep 30, 2009
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Lincoln Reflecting Pool Water and Filtration Options Oct 09, 2009
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Martin Luther King, Jr. Environmental Assessment - 2009 Oct 19, 2009
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Rehabilitation of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool and Surrounding Area Jan 29, 2010
Rehabilitate McPherson Park Rehabilitate McPherson Square Feb 08, 2010
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Draft Programmatic Agreement (3-8-2010) Mar 12, 2010
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Letters of Concurrence ACHP, NCPC, DCSHPO 03-24-10 Mar 31, 2010
Reconstruct Turf and Soil on the National Mall Public Scoping (2010) Apr 08, 2010
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Public Scoping/Section 106 Consultation May 30, 2010
National Mall Plan Final National Mall Plan/Environmental Impact Statement Aug 14, 2010
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters Proposed Modular Office Drawings and Mock-ups Aug 30, 2010
National Mall Plan Draft Programmatic Agreement for National Mall Plan Sep 04, 2010
Install Vehicle Barrier System Around the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC Draft Alternatives Public Review - 2010 Sep 14, 2010
Reconstruct Turf and Soil on the National Mall National Mall Turf and Soil Reconstruction Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (2010-2011) Dec 07, 2010
Reconstruct Turf and Soil on the National Mall National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Consultation (2010) Dec 17, 2010
Kennedy Center Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement Public Scoping - Kennedy Center/Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement Mar 15, 2011
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Public Meeting and Scoping October 2010-March 2011 Mar 31, 2011
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center VVMC Section 106 Meeting Materials (May 24, 2011) Jul 30, 2011
Rehabilitate Reservation 149 Rehabilitation of U.S. Reservation 149 (Dupont Triangle Park) Sep 12, 2011
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Public Scoping - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Education Center Oct 03, 2011
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial EA Oct 18, 2011
Rehabilitate Juarez Monument Juarez Monument Rehabilitation Nov 16, 2011
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Public Meeting and Section 106 Consultation Meeting #2, 9/20/11 Nov 30, 2011
Holodomor Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 Holodomor Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 Dec 23, 2011
Rehabilitate Reservation 72 Reservation 72 Rehabilitation, Public Comment Dec 23, 2011
Install Capital Bikeshare Stations Capital Bikeshare Stations on the National Mall Dec 28, 2011
Rehabilitate U.S. Reservation 28 Comment on U.S. Reservation 28 Rehabilitation Project Feb 17, 2012
Kennedy Center Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement Determination of Eligibility Report Mar 15, 2012
Rehabilitate U.S. Reservation 68 - Burke Park Design Plans Mar 15, 2012
Kennedy Center Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement Draft Assessment of Effects Report - Kennedy Center Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement project Mar 15, 2012
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Design EA (February 2012) Mar 21, 2012
Install an accessible path and plaza at the Japanese Stone Lantern Japanese Stone Lantern Plaza Proposal for Public Comment April 2012 Apr 24, 2012
Issue Commercial Use Authorization for pedicabs Public Meeting and Comment- Draft Commercial Use Authorization for Pedicabs at the National Mall and Memorial Parks May 02, 2012
Holodomor Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 NOA Proposed Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide 1932-1933 EA Jun 27, 2012
Washington Monument Earthquake Damage Repairs Washington Monument Earthquake Repair Project for Public Comment Aug 08, 2012
Install bicycle storage structure and aesthetic screen at US Park Police D-1 substation US Park Police Bicycle Storage Proposal Details Aug 16, 2012
Rehabilitate U.S. Reservation 176 Rehabilitate U.S. Reservation 176 Feb 28, 2013
Install Vehicle Barrier System Around the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC Thomas Jefferson Memorial Vehicle Security Barrier Section 106 Update- 2013 May 11, 2013
Install Vehicle Barrier System Around the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC Thomas Jefferson Memorial Vehicle Security Barrier Environmental Assessment 2013 May 11, 2013
Develop plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site Public meeting and comment period-Pennsylvania Avenue Plan- May 29, 2013 Jun 13, 2013
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Section 106 Consultation Meeting #5, Design Update and Draft MOA, 6/18/13 Jul 19, 2013
Kennedy Center Expansion Kennedy Center Expansion Public Scoping Meeting and Comment Period, July 22, 2013 Aug 30, 2013
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Washington Monument Visitor Security Screening Environmental Assessment Sep 09, 2013
Kennedy Center Expansion Kennedy Center Expansion Section 106 Meeting #2, September 17, 2013 Oct 04, 2013
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Memorandum of Agreement, Final Draft for Review Nov 08, 2013
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan NEPA and Section 106 Process Nov 22, 2013
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Franklin Park Public Meeting Presentation 11/7/13 Nov 22, 2013
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Comment on the Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Nov 22, 2013
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Draft Memorandum of Agreement for Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Dec 13, 2013
Install parking meters Multi-Space Parking Meter Presentation Feb 28, 2014
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Franklin Park Draft Area of Potential Effect Mar 14, 2014
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Franklin Public Meeting #2: Presentation of Concept Design Alternatives—February 19th, 2014 Mar 14, 2014
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Concept Design Alternatives Newsletter Mar 14, 2014
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Public Scoping Notice Jun 05, 2014
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting (8-7-2014) PowerPoint Presentation Sep 01, 2014
Potomac River Tunnel Potomac River Tunnel Project Scoping Comment Form Sep 02, 2014
Kennedy Center Expansion Kennedy Center Expansion Project Assessment of Effects Sep 07, 2014
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Revised Design for Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center (09.09.14) Oct 24, 2014
Kennedy Center Expansion Kennedy Center Expansion Project - Environmental Assessment Nov 10, 2014
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative Peace Corps Memorial - Public Scoping For Potential Sites Nov 11, 2014
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan December 2014 Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Environmental Assessment Jan 09, 2015
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative Notice of Scoping Meeting for Peace Corps Commemorative Design Feb 13, 2015
Potomac River Tunnel Potomac River Tunnel Section 106 Mar 06, 2015
Implement Environmentally Friendly Canada Goose Control Performance Work Statement Apr 22, 2015
New Permitting Process - Volleyball Courts Map of Volleyball Courts Apr 27, 2015
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Final Determination of Effect, Stipulation 11 of the 2012 Memorandum of Agreement May 22, 2015
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial EA Public Scoping Meeting Presentation 5.20.15 May 27, 2015
Kennedy Center Expansion Kennedy Center Expansion Design Final Jun 05, 2015
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Supporting Documentation Jun 18, 2015
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Tribal Consultation Initiation Jul 20, 2015
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Section 106 Consultation Initiation Jul 20, 2015
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements National Park Service Seeks Public Comment on Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Jul 20, 2015
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Rehabilitation of Constitution Gardens Environmental Assessment Jul 24, 2015
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Scoping Notification Sep 02, 2015
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Proposed Connection to Rock Creek Multi-Use Trail Oct 16, 2015
Kennedy Center Expansion Kennedy Center Expansion Proposed Connection to Rock Creek Multi-Use Trail Oct 16, 2015
Gold Star Mothers Monument Site Selection Analysis for the Gold Star Mothers Commemorative Work Dec 11, 2015
Gold Star Mothers Monument Public Scoping for Site Selection Presentation Dec 11, 2015
Gold Star Mothers Monument Additional Scoping Materials for Gold Star Mothers Monument Site Selection Dec 11, 2015
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project-Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting #2 (December 10th, 2015) Presentation Jan 26, 2016
Revised Scope of Collection Statement for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Museum Collection Vietnam Veterans Memorial Slide Show Mar 10, 2016
Revised Scope of Collection Statement for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Museum Collection draft Vietnam Veterans Memorial Scope of Collection Statement Mar 10, 2016
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Assessment of Effect Report with Letters to Agencies Mar 22, 2016
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Environmental Assessment for The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Expansion Connection Project Apr 25, 2016
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Banneker Park Assessment of Effects May 01, 2016
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Banneker Park Environmental Assessment May 01, 2016
Revise and Update National Mall Historic District National Register Nomination National Mall Historic District National Register Nomination, Final Draft Jul 08, 2016
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Presentation and Comments from Consulting Parties-September 21, 2016 Oct 25, 2016
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility NCPC Submission - Narrative Feb 05, 2017
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility NCPC Submission - Presentation Feb 05, 2017
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Memorandum - Final Document Submittal and Determination of Effect Feb 05, 2017
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Mechanical drawings Feb 05, 2017
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility CFA Submission- Architecture drawings Feb 05, 2017
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Presentation and Preliminary AOE (February 9, 2017) Feb 24, 2017
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Final Determination of Effect, Stipulation 11 of the 2012 Memorandum of Agreement (Updated since May 8, 2015) May 22, 2017
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Consulting Parties Meeting with Materials-June 28, 2017 Jul 14, 2017
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm War Memorial EA Site Selection Public Scoping, Comments, and Report (6/23-7/24) Jul 24, 2017
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Final Determination of Effect, Stipulation 11 of the 2012 Memorandum of Agreement (Updated since May 8, 2015) 09.08.17 Sep 22, 2017
Improve Accessibility at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Accessibility Improvements at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial—National Environmental Policy Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Dec 01, 2017
Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment Mar 07, 2018
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Consulting Parties Meeting with Materials-February 13, 2018 Mar 23, 2018
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm War Memorial EA-Design Scoping Notice (3/13-4/13) Apr 13, 2018
Potomac River Tunnel Potomac River Tunnel EA Dec 04, 2018
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Franklin Park Public Meeting Presentation 11/14/18 Dec 14, 2018
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial World War I Memorial Environmental Assessment Feb 27, 2019
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial DRAFT Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement Mar 15, 2019
Redevelopment of the United States Park Police H1 Stables US Park Police H1 Stables Redevelopment Section 106 Presentation Apr 26, 2019
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative Peace Corps Commemorative Section 106 Meeting Presentation Apr 26, 2019
Redevelopment of the United States Park Police H1 Stables Public Scoping Documents 04.17.2019 May 01, 2019
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Finding of No Significant Impact, World War I Memorial May 10, 2019
Redevelopment of the United States Park Police H1 Stables EA Redevelopment of the USPP H1 Stables Sep 09, 2019
Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Oct 29, 2019
Increase Parking Meter Fee at The National Mall and Memorial Parks Map of National Mall Parking Meter Locations Nov 05, 2019
Increase Parking Meter Fee at The National Mall and Memorial Parks Map of Parking Meter Locations at Thompson Boat Center Nov 05, 2019
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial NDSDSM Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting and Public Comments - 11.12.2019 Nov 26, 2019
Build the National Emergency Medical Services Memorial Public Comment on Site Selection for National EMS Memorial Dec 14, 2019
Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance NPS Korean Memorial Wall of Remembrance SHPO Letter 1 Mar 16, 2020
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial NDSDSM Letter of Determination of Effect Apr 01, 2020
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation Public Comment Period Open until 7/14 - Martin Building Garage and Landscape Rehabilitation Jul 14, 2021
Install Signage at Franklin Park Public Comment Period Open Until 10/17 - - Plans for Franklin Park Signage Oct 17, 2021
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation Public Comment Period Open until 11/30 - Martin Building Garage and Landscape Rehabilitation Nov 30, 2021
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial Environmental Assessment Mar 08, 2022
Hains Point Traffic Safety Improvements Public Comment Period Open until 5/19 May 19, 2022
Phase 1 Rehabilitation of the Seawalls Public Scoping - Rehabilitate Tidal Basin and West Potomac Park Seawalls Environmental Assessment Sep 12, 2022
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative Peace Corps Commemorative Park Environmental Assessment Sep 16, 2022
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial Environmental Assessment Oct 07, 2022
Phase 1 Rehabilitation of the Seawalls Section 106 Consultation - Rehabilitation of the Tidal Basin and West Potomac Park Seawalls Project Jan 06, 2023
Phase 1 Rehabilitation of the Seawalls For Review - Rehabilitate Tidal Basin and West Potomac Park Seawalls Environmental Assessment Apr 05, 2023
Design and Build Global War on Terrorism Memorial Site Selection Public Scoping May 27, 2023
Design and Build the Fallen Journalists Memorial Site Selection Public Scoping Aug 07, 2023
Design and Build the Fallen Journalists Memorial Fallen Journalists Memorial- Public Scoping Design Concept Oct 30, 2024
Tidal Basin Development Concept Plan/ EA National Park Service seeks public comment on future of the Tidal Basin Mar 21, 2025
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters East Potomac Park 1982 Development Concept Plan
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Section 106 - Status Update
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters NCPC Final Approval 11/04/2010
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters NCPC Concept Approval 09-02-10
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters Categorical Exclusion Form with response to public comments 10/21/2010
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Section 106 Consultation Meeting #1, 03/24/11
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Section 106 Consultation letters
Rehabilitate Juarez Monument Juarez Monument Condition Assessment 2010
Kennedy Center Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement Agenda- February 15, 2012 Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting
Rehabilitate Reservation 72 Categorical Exclusion and Response to Public Comment
Install Capital Bikeshare Stations Categorical Exclusion Form with Public Comment Summary
Issue Commercial Use Authorization for pedicabs Categorical Exclusion and Public Comment Summary
Develop plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site National Register Nomination- 2007
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial: Section 106 Lighting and LBJ Building Perimeter Security Update 11.12.2014
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial NCPC Section 106 Responses
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Constitution Gardens Rehab Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Minutes
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Supporting Documentation 08.04.15
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Powerpoint (08.04.15)
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial SHPO Response for Eisenhower Memorial, Section 106 Consultation December 9, 2014
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Constitution Gardens Rehabilitation Executed MOA 8.27.15
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Presentation-December 16, 2016
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial SHPO Initiation Letter
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative Initiation of Section 106
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial CFA Response 1.27.17
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Cultural Landscape Inventory
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting, September 21st, 2016
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility NCPC Executive Director Recommendation- -Feb. 2, 2017 Meeting
Kennedy Center Expansion Section 106 MOA Annual Report (July 2015-July 2016)
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties 2/9 Meeting Minutes and Comments
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center CFA Final Design Submittal 5.21.15
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial CFA February 2017 Submission and Response
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Establishment of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Reissuance of Memorandum of Agreement
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial: FDR D-Day Prayer Design Concepts-CFA Presentation 6.15.17
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial CFA Presentation September 20, 2017
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial CFA response 9.20.2017
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial (Pershing Park, Res. 617) -June 28th Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Comments and NPS Response
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial NCPC materials
Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation FONSI and MOA
Improve Accessibility at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Assessment of Effect Report
Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Design update
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial SHPO Section 106 Consultation Letter May 2021
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation Presentation of Section 106 Meeting held June 30, 2021
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation Meeting Notes Public Meeting #2
Hains Point Traffic Safety Improvements National Park Service seeks comment on proposed traffic safety improvements to Ohio Drive through East Potomac Park
Hains Point Traffic Safety Improvements East Potomac Park Traffic Safety Improvements - Final Concept Presentation (November 2022)
Visitor Transportation Study for the National Mall and Surrounding Park Areas NAMA, Visitor Transportation Study - Newsletters, and other Reports
Rehabilitate McPherson Park McPherson Square Cultural Landscape Inventory
Reconstruct Turf and Soil on the National Mall CFA Concept Review for Phase I (2010)
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center VVMC Section 106 Consultation Meeting (Monday March 5, 2012)
Issue Commercial Use Authorization for pedicabs 2012 Record of Decision describing revised pedicab operation requirements
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Finding of No Significant Impact and NHPA Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement
Reconstruct Turf and Soil on the National Mall DC SHPO No Adverse Effect Concurrence for Phases 2 and 3 (8-17-2012)
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Partners Vision and Goals
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial MOA annual update- 2013
Install parking meters Parking Meters Area of Potential Effect
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Existing Site Conditions Report Part 4
Install parking meters Response to Questions
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Existing Site Conditions Report Part 2
Install parking meters Compliance Documentation
Potomac River Tunnel Potomac River Tunnel Newsletter #1
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial: Commemorative Arts and Landscape Design 11.20.14
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Environmental Assessment Available for Comment
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative Peace Corps Commemorative Design Scoping Presentation 1.27.15
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan March 24, 2015 Consulting Parties Meeting Presentation
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative CFA Site Selection Letter 12.1.14
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements SHPO Response
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Bannker Park CLI
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial Project SHPO Letter 6
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial CFA 04/16/2015
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements NCPC Concept Approval for 10th Street SW Programmatic Concept and Interim Banneker Connection
Kennedy Center Expansion FONSI
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Agenda-December 16, 2016
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial World War II Memorial: FDR D-Day Design Schematic NCPC with Executive Director Recommendation
Small Parks Management Strategies Small Parks Management Strategies
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial National World War I Memorial- -CFA Response 5.27.17
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial CFA Submission May 17, 2018
Redevelopment of the United States Park Police H1 Stables SHPO concurrence
Build the National Emergency Medical Services Memorial SHPO Initiation response
Redevelopment of the United States Park Police H1 Stables U.S. Park Police H1 Stables Redevelopment (FONSI)
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial: FDR D-Day Prayer Design Concepts-CFA Presentation 5 20 2021
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial CFA Response to May 20 2021 Meeting
Long Range Interpretive Plan
Environmental Assessment for Design Alternatives for the Potomac Park Levee System. Potomac Park Levee Project EA - FONSI
Rehabilitate McPherson Park Landscape Improvements - Chinese Elm Removal
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Draft MOA (2-5-2010)
Reconstruct Turf and Soil on the National Mall NCPC Review (2010)
Kennedy Center Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement State Historic Preservation Officer response to initial consultation letter 3/24/2011
Washington Circle Pedestrian Improvements 2012 Updates to the Plan
Install Capital Bikeshare Stations DC State Historic Preservation Office Review Form
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Additional photographic renderings
Holodomor Memorial to Victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 MEMORIAL TO VICTIMS OF THE UKRAINIAN FAMINE-GENOCIDE OF 1932-1933 DESIGN FONSI
Develop plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site Background information- jurisdiction, resources, and maps
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Franklin Park Cultural Landscape Inventory
Kennedy Center Expansion KCPA Expansion Project MOA
Kennedy Center Expansion CFA Letter for Revised Concept 12.1.14
Sewall-Belmont House Feasibility Study Sewall-Belmont Feasibility Study
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Design Competition Manual
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Public Meeting Presentation 7/13/15
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Executed MOA for Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial DC SHPO Concurrence Letter for Proposed location
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission Letter, December 18, 2015
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project-Section 106 Meeting Invite, February 23, 2016
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project - Feb. 23 Section 106 meeting agenda
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Heroes' Green
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements SHPO Response to AOE Report 04.21.16
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 MOA Annual Update 2015
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial World War II Memorial: FDR D-Day Design Concepts NCPC with Executive Director Recommendation 12.1.16
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Washington Monument Screening Facility January 23rd CFA Presentation Response
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Annual Update (2014)
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial CFA Submission 1.5.17
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial National World War I Memorial- -NCPC Submission and Recommendation, July 13th, 2017
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties 6/28 Meeting Comments
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Development of National WW I Memorial in Pershing Park (U.S. Res. 617) - ACHP Consultation Initiation
Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation SHPO and Tribal Consultation- -Assessment of Effects Report (1/30/18)
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial NCPC Site Selection December 7, 2017
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial Commission of Fine Arts Presentation June 21, 2018
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Commission of Fine Arts Submission July 2018
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Public Meeting - June 20
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation Section 106 Consulting & Interested Parties Public Meeting Notification
Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation Lincoln Memorial Section 106 MOA Annual Updates
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial Rehabilitate DC War Memorial Presentation August 2009
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Signed FONSI (3-22-2010)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Additional Correspondence and Consultation (3-22-2010)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Consulting Parties #4 Meeting Agenda (2-5-2010)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Signed Programmatic Agreement (3-18-2010)
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial SHPO Concurrence With No Adverse Effect Determination (3-16-2010)
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial Comments of WWI Memorial Foundation, 9-29-2009
Rehabilitate McPherson Park 2004 Commission Review of McPherson Square Rehab
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters Response to Public Comments 9/2/10
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial Temporary Memorial Closure Information (Record of Determination)
Rehabilitate Reservation 149 Categorical Exclusion and Response to Public Comment
Rehabilitate Reservation 149 Section 106 consultation
Reconstruct Turf and Soil on the National Mall Updated information on Phase 2 and 3 Reviews (7-10-12)
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Study Reports
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Section 106 Consultation Meeting #4, Assessing Adverse Impacts, 9/13/12
Washington Monument Earthquake Damage Repairs Washington Monument Seismic Study
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Existing Site Conditions Report Part 1
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens May 22, 2014 Public Scoping Meeting
Kennedy Center Expansion October 22, 2014 EA Presentation Materials
Potomac River Tunnel Potomac River Tunnel Project Study Area Map
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan EA Newsletter
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Powerpoint (06.03.15)
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 Presentation (8/31/2011)
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Development of World War I Memorial in General John J. Pershing Park-Initiation of Section 106 Consultation
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial, Section 106 Consultation
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Section 106 Consulting Parties Notice, Aug 4, 2015
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan 2015 Oct Franklin Park Concept Design
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Project Presentation to NCPC April 7, 2016
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial An American Family Portarit
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial: FDR D-Day Prayer Design Concepts-CFA Presentation 11.17.16
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility WAMO Visitor Screening Facility and Final Determination of Effect
Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation DC State Historic Preservation Office Consultation for the Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation, National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington, DC
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial Project SHPO Letter 7.pdf
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial National Capital Memorial Advisory Committee
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Final Section 106 MOA
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative Re-initiation of Section 106
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial CFA approval
Potomac River Tunnel DC Clean Rivers Project - Potomac River Tunnel FONSI
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation Meeting Notes Public Meeting #1
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Concept Submittal to the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial CFA Approval Letter, 9-18-2009
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial Committee of 100 Testimony, 10-1-2009
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial NCPC Staff Recommendations (9-24-09)
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters East Potomac Park National Register Information: Views
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters East Potomac Park National Register Information: Structures
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters CFA Approval 7-23-10
Kennedy Center Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement Scoping letter to agencies, 2/18/2011
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Section 106 - Status Update 01/2011
Issue Commercial Use Authorization for pedicabs 2010 Record of Determination Limiting Pedicabs to Park Roads
Kennedy Center Expansion Materials from Public Meeting 10/22/14
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial CFA Development of Concept Design Letter 12.1.14
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Concept Design Re-Submission (CFA 10.16.14)
Kennedy Center Expansion Amendment to the Memorandum of Agreement
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial CFA Final Design Approval 06.26.15
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Constitution Gardens Rehab Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Minutes 08.04.15
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center CFA Final Design Approval
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Public Scoping Boards 8.12.15
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Grotto of Remembrance
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial NPS letter to the Jury
National Capital Regional Headquarters Renovation CFA Approval for Revised Concept Design for Police Substation Facility
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial CFA Concurrence Letter (Location)
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Connection S106 Initiation Letters (DCSHPO and VASHPO)
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements CFA Concept Approval
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Articles on World War I Memorial and Pershing Park
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Banneker Park EA CFA Presentation and Preferred Concept Approval May 2016
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project National Park Service Seeks Comment on Proposed Pedestrian/Bicycle Connection Between Kennedy Center and Rock Creek Paved Recreational Trail
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial NCPC Presentation with Supplemental and Executive Director Recommendation-2.2.17
Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation Tribal consultation for the Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation, National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington, DC
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial CFA Response 5.27.17
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial SHPO Concurrence with Final Determination 9.20.2017
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm War Memorial Site Selection Phase - Site Design Studies Review- -CFA Meeting and Response, March 15th, 2018
Build the National Emergency Medical Services Memorial Initiation of Section 106
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation Presentation of Section 106 Meeting held November 15, 2021
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation Assessment of Effects Report (01/21/22)
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative National Capital Planning Commission presentation
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Park Service Issues Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Desert Shield and Desert Storm Memorial Environmental Assessment
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Constitution Gardens Rehabilitation MOA Update 2023
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative Peace Corps Commemorative Park - FONSI
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Reflecting Pool EA Public Scoping Meeting Notes (1-5-2010)
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial NCPC Staff Recommendation, 03/25/2010
Kennedy Center Potomac River Pedestrian Access Improvement Initial Consultation letter to State Historic Preservation Officer, 2/22/2011
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Background documentation
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial Final Section 106 MOA
Develop plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site Section 106 NHPA Correspondence
Kennedy Center Expansion Informational Presentation at National Capital Planning Commission, September 12, 2013
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting (8-7-2014)
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Constitution Gardens Cultural Landscape Inventory
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial World War I Scoping Notice
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial NCPC Scoping Comments
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Public Scoping Boards 8.12.15
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Legislation
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project The National Mall Coalition Comments on KECE Expansion Connection Project
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial CFA Response to Revised Concept Design Presentation 4.16.15
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Minutes-December 16, 2016
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial CFA Response to WWI Memorial Informational Meeting on 5 Finalists Conceptual Designs
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project - Dec. 10 Section 106 meeting agenda
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Pershing Park (U.S. Reservation 617) Final Determination of Eligibility Form
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Executed FONSI
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements FONSI for Benjamin Banneker Park Connection
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project FINAL Assessment of Effect June 2016
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project VASHPO Initiation and AoE Response Letter and Supporting Documentation
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial FDR D-Day Prayer, June 6, 1944
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial CFA Response to November 28, 2016 Meeting
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Annual MOA Update (2016)
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial Prayer Plaque Presentation to NCMAC 8.31.15
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Family Support Announcement 9.19.16
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Memo to File Regarding Eisenhower Memorial Modifications
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm War Memorial Site Selection Study- -NCMAC Meeting, May 16, 2017
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm War Memorial Site Selection Study- -CFA Meeting, July 20th, 2017
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm War Memorial Site Selection Study- -NCPC Meeting, July 13th, 2017
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Desert Storm War Memorial Site Selection Study- -CFA Meeting, October 19th, 2017
Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation VA State Historic Preservation Office Consultation for the Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation, National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington, DC
Improve Accessibility at Thomas Jefferson Memorial CFA Presentation and Response-2/15/18
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Commission of Fine Arts November 2018
Redevelopment of the United States Park Police H1 Stables Letter to SHPO
Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Wall of Remembrance letter to SHPO and response
Phase 1 Rehabilitation of the Seawalls Finding of No Significant Impact
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Proposed Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Environmental Assessment (EA)-Memorial Establishment (2010)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Public Scoping Meeting PPT
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Reflecting Pool EA Public Scoping Meeting Power Point Presentation (1-5-2010)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Letters of Concurrence ACHP, NCPC, DCSHPO (04-08-10)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area ACHP Letter to NPS Transmitting Signed Programmatic Agreement (3-18-2010)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Consulting Parties Meeting #4 Powerpoint Presentation
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Revised Preferred Alternative Description (2-2-2010)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area Notes From 2-17-2010 Consulting Parties Meeting #4
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial CFA Approval Letter, 03/19/2010
Install Vehicle Barrier System Around the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC CFA Concept Approval Letter- 2010
Install Temporary Office Modular Unit at Park Headquarters DC SHPO Concurrence 08-17-10
Rehabilitate Juarez Monument Aerial view of Reservation 26K - Juarez Monument site
Issue Commercial Use Authorization for pedicabs Pedicab Commercial Use Authorization Application
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Section 106 Consultation Meeting #3, 12/13/2011
Develop plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Plan- 1974
Kennedy Center Expansion Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting #3 Presentation August 14, 2014
Potomac River Tunnel Federal Register Notice and Newspaper Ads
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission Letter
Design and Build Peace Corps Commemorative CFA submission letter Peace Corps Memorial
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 MOA Annual Update 2014
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial_CFA_Design Submission_2015-02-19.r1
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial:Section 106 Consulting Parties Presentation
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 Presentation (6/20/2011)
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Tribal Consultation for the Constitution Gardens Rehabilitation, Washington DC (NPS)
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Executed FONSI for WAMO Visitor Screening Facility
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Public Scoping Comments Consolidated 5.27.15 (updated 12.27.15)
Kennedy Center Expansion CFA Approval of Three Land-based Pavilions
New Permitting Process - Volleyball Courts Public Comment Response
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Constitution Gardens Rehabilitation FONSI 8.27.15
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Submittal Names
Improve Accessibility at Thomas Jefferson Memorial NCPC letter of approved concept
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Executed MOA 6.22.16
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting Minutes-September 21, 2016
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial World War I Memorial CFA October 20th Meeting Presentation and Responses
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial National World War I Memorial-NCPC Submission, March 2, 2017
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial SHPO Concurrence on Design Alternatives
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Notification of Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Changes
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center NCPC Final Approval of Site and Building Plans
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial National World War I Memorial- -CFA Submission 5.4.17
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial Section 106 Consultation Initiation for National Desert Storm War Memorial
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial CFA February 2018 Submission and Response
Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation Lincoln Memorial Rehabilitation: Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting (February 21st, 2018) and Minutes
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Public Meeting Notice 11/14/2018
Environmental Assessment for Design Alternatives for the Potomac Park Levee System. Washington, D.C., and Vicinity Flood Risk Management Project Improvements at the National Mall and Memorial Parks -FONSI
Federal Reserve Board Martin Building North and East Garages and Virginia Avenue Garden Rehabilitation DC State Historic Preservation Office Consultation for Martin Building Garage and Landscape Rehabilitation
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area NCPC Concept Submission 7-20-09
Restore the District of Columbia War Memorial SHPO Conditional No Adverse Effect Concurrence (11-12-2009)
Rehabilitate Lincoln Reflecting Pool and Rehabilitate Surrounding Area CFA Presentation Materials for the March 18, 2010 Commission Meeting
Visitor Transportation Study for the National Mall and Surrounding Park Areas Finding of No Significant Impact - Signed
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial FONSI executed 03062012
Washington Monument Visitor Screening Facility Models of Selected Alternatives
Develop plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site Penn Quarter Neighborhood Assoc Presentation - July 2013
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Existing Site Conditions Report Part 3
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Agency Scoping Letters (May, 2014)
Rehabilitate Constitution Gardens Background Information
Potomac River Tunnel Public Scoping Meeting Display Boards
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Supplemental Submission for Preliminary Design Review (NCPC 10.2.14)
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 Presentation (11/16/2011)
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan Franklin Park - Finding of No Significant Impact
Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan June 3, 2015 Memorandum of Agreement
Kennedy Center Expansion Final Determination of Effect
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial "A Quest to Remember" National Parks Conservation Association (Winter 2016)
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Commission Exhibit Information
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial World War I Memorial-Availability of Design Competition Finalists' Concepts
Benjamin Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements Banneker NCPC presentation April 7
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project-Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting #3 (February 23, 2016) Presentation
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial The Weight of Sacrifice
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial Plaza to a Forgotten War
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial NCPC Final Approval of Site and Building Plans
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project NPS/NCPC Response Letter VASHPO 4.27.16
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project SHPO Consultation on Assessment of Effects Report for Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project (3/23/16)
Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project Tribal Consultation Letters (4/19/16)
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial WWI Memorial Consulting Parties Meeting-February 9, 2017
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial National World War I Memorial-NCPC Submission, November 3, 2016
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission Meeting, Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Eisenhower Memorial CFA Submission for 5.18.17
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center MOA Amendment (2017)
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial: FDR D-Day Prayer Design Concepts-CFA Response 6.22.17
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial NCPC Eisenhower Final Design Revisions Request for Oct. 5, 2017 meeting
Design and Develop National World War I Memorial NCMAC presentation May 15, 2018
Columbus Circle/ Columbus Plaza Rehabilitation Columbus Plaza FONSI
Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial 2020 MOA Update
Redevelopment of the United States Park Police H1 Stables U.S. Park Police Hl Stables on the National Mall Redevelopment Floodplains statement of Finding
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial DC SHPO Concurrence on No Adverse Effect Finding
National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial SHPO letter
Kutz Bridge Rehabilitation - Structure No. 3400-032P
* Open for comment.