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Peace Corps Commemorative Park - FONSI
The National Park Service (NPS) and the Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation (Foundation), in cooperation with the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), prepared a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for an Environmental Assessment (EA) that evaluated the potential environmental impacts that will result from the implementation of the Peace Corps Commemorative Park (PCC Park) at the intersection of Louisiana Avenue and C and 1st Streets NW, in Washington, DC. Public Law [(P.L.) 113-78] authorized the Foundation to establish a
commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs to commemorate the mission of the Peace Corps, and for other purposes.
The purpose of the PCC Park is to commemorate the mission of the Peace Corps and the ideals on which the Peace Corps was founded. The planning, design, and construction of the PCC Park is necessary to carry out PL 113-78 and to address the current lack of formal commemoration for those who have served in the Peace Corps.
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Peace_Corps_EA_FINAL FONSI_09162024 508.pdf
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