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Final Determination of Effect
In accordance with Stipulation 4 of the 2015 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among the
National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), the National Park Service (NPS), the District of
Columbia State Historic Preservation Office (DC SHPO), and the John F. Kennedy Center for
the Performing Arts (Kennedy Center) regarding the Kennedy Center Expansion Project, the
purpose of this letter is to record our final determination of effect. Since execution of the MOA,
the Kennedy Center decided not to pursue the Two Land-Based Pavilions plus River Pavilion
(Alternative C2 in the Kennedy Center Expansion Environmental Assessment (EA)) and has
elected to pursue the Three Land-Based Pavilions (Alternative B in the EA). The final plans for
the Three Land-Based Pavilions are attached for your review. The Kennedy Center intends to
submit the plans for the Three Land-Based Pavilions for final approval for the July 2015 meeting of NCPC.
Based on the final plans, NCPC and NPS have determined that there would be no new or intensified adverse effects with the selection of the Three Land-Based Pavilions alternative compared to the Two Land-Based Pavilions plus River Pavilion alternative.
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