Washington, D.C., and Vicinity Flood Risk Management Project Improvements at the National Mall and Memorial Parks -FONSI

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Baltimore District, in cooperation with National Park Service (NPS), has prepared a supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) that examines alternatives actions and environmental impacts associated with the proposed Washington, D.C., and Vicinity Flood Risk Management Project Improvements (FRM) at the National Mall and Memorial Parks (NAMA or Park) in Washington, DC. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve reliability of the current levee system under extreme flood events. The project provides FRM for portions of the monumental core, portions of Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues, and other public and private facilities located south of the U.S. Capitol to Fort McNair. Only those portions within NAMA are discuss within this document. The project would be constructed by USACE and maintained by the NPS. NAMA's existing FRM
features include a levee between the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument adjacent to the reflecting pool (Potomac Park Levee); a post and panel closure system at 17th Street; and a temporary closure at 23rd Street (sandbags or inflatable bladders).
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