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Eisenhower Memorial FONSI executed 03062012
The NPS hereby announces its Finding of No Significant Impact for Alternative 3, the Maryland Park/Tapestry alternative which is the alternative it has selected for implementation. NPS actions include its issuance of the construction permit for the establishment of the Memorial, and the acceptance of the transfer of jurisdiction of necessary lands. NPS' FONSI is made in accordance with NEPA, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations at 40 CFR Part1500, the DOI NEPA regulations at 43 CFR Part 46, and NPS Director's Order 12 (DO-12), which implements NEPA. The NPS also complied with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and other laws as it conducted the NEPA process.
Actions to comply with NHPA Section 106 have spanned years and resulted in the execution of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) (Attached). This MOA provides for consultation as the design is refined in the same way that an NHPA programmatic agreement for a complex undertaking might.
Establishment of new memorials in the greater Washington, DC area is governed by the Commemorative Works Act, 40 USC Ch. 89, (CWA), and specific laws authorizing the Memorial including Pub. L.106-79, 113 Stat. 1212, (October 25, 1999) and Pub. L. 107-117, Section 8120, 115 Stat. 2230, (January 10, 2002). The Eisenhower Memorial proposal was developed following this process, with the Eisenhower Memorial Commission (EMC), as sponsor, responsible for designing the memorial, raising funds, , and obtaining review and approvals from the Secretary of the Interior through the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission (NCMAC), the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts (CFA). The timing of the execution of the NHPA Section 106 MOA and this FONSI to complete the NEPA process is so that the NPS can issue to EMC the construction permit required by the CWA for EMC to construct the Memorial if EMC has satisfied all the legal requirements.
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ACHP Letter 03012012
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Eisenhower Memorial FONSI executed 03062012
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