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Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project
National Mall and Memorial Parks » Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project » Document List
The Kennedy Center is a Congressionally-designated national showcase for the performing arts and a living memorial to President Kennedy. It was determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places on February 13, 2012, for its association with President Kennedy and as the work of master architect Edward Durell Stone. The Rock Creek Multi-Use Trail within the project area is administered by the National Mall and Memorial Parks under the jurisdiction of the NPS.
The NPS and NCPC are coordinating Section 106 consultation with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and are preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to identify alternatives and assess the potential impacts of the Kennedy Center Expansion Connection Project. Concurrently, the agencies will conduct consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Click on "Open for Comment" or "Meeting Notices" to the left for information about upcoming meetings and documents for review.