National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Consultation (2010)

The Mall is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is also a documented cultural landscape. The potential actions of the project to Reconstruct Turf and Soil on the National Mall that impact the Mall include the addition of curbs, the radius of curbs, and the removal of some north-south walks to re-establish the length of the center lawn panels. Because the water storage systems are at depth, the National Park Service (NPS) is also considering impacts to potential archeological resources. A summary of the analysis for consideration by the public and Section 106 consulting parties is below with supporting documents attached. Comments were accepted between November 16-December 17, 2010.

The DC SHPO concurred with the NPS determination of "no adverse effect" for the undertaking.
Comment Period: Closed        Nov 16, 2010 - Dec 17, 2010
Document Content:
Mall Mapping pgs 15-16   (2.9 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 18-20   (3.4 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 23-24   (2.9 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pg 17   (5.7 MB, PDF file)
Curb_gutter_alternatives   (86.4 KB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 1-2   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pg 9   (3.4 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 13-14   (4.4 MB, PDF file)
Section 106 Summary For Review   (23.1 KB, PDF file)
Water storage locations below grade   (122.9 KB, PDF file)
Area of Potential Effect   (116.7 KB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pg 8   (2.8 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 11-12   (4.1 MB, PDF file)
Photo: 1930s Mall drives and curbs   (846.7 KB, Image file)
Mall Mapping pgs 3-4   (4.2 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pg 10   (2.0 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 25-26   (4.4 MB, PDF file)
SHPO concurrence letter (12-22-10)   (49.9 KB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 5-7   (3.8 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 21-22   (3.6 MB, PDF file)
Mall Mapping pgs 27-33   (4.8 MB, PDF file)
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