Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Section 106 Consulting Parties Meeting

The National Park Service (NPS), in cooperation with the Korean War Veterans Foundation, Inc., proposes the addition of a Wall of Remembrance at the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall. The United States Congress authorized a Wall of Remembrance as part of the Korean War Veterans Memorial (Public Law 114-230). The Wall must be consistent with the Commemorative Works Act, which ensures that commemorative works in areas administered by the NPS in the District of Columbia and its environs are appropriately designed, constructed, and located.

The project area is located on federal land in Ash Woods, between Independence Avenue and Ash Road, east of Daniel French Drive SW, and west of the U.S. Park Police Stables. The National Mall and Memorial Parks (NAMA) administers the project area. The project will construct a Wall of Remembrance at the site of the Korean War Veterans Memorial. The wall will include a list of names of members of the Armed Forces of the United States who died in the Korean War. The Wall of Remembrance may also include other information about the Korean War, including those from the United States and other countries killed, wounded, missing in action, or prisoners of war. The project area is located in the National Mall and the East and West Potomac Parks Historic Districts, which are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and the DC Inventory of Historic Sites.

In accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act, the NPS is conducting Section 106 consultation to consider the effects of the addition of the Wall of Remembrance on historic properties. The Section 106 process is being undertaken concurrently with the environmental review process mandated by the National Environmental Policy Act. The public and consulting parties are invited to attend a meeting on October 15, 2019, at the ACHP Conference Room, 401 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20001, from 3:00pm until 4:00pm. The meeting will provide an opportunity to identify historic properties within the area of potential effect (APE), to introduce the design options, and to hold a preliminary discussion on the potential effects of the design options on historic properties.

If you require additional information or special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting, please contact Catherine Dewey at the NPS at 202-245-4711.

Comments can be submitted electronically at the National Park Service's Planning, Environmental and Public Comments (PEPC) website at https://parkplanning.nps.gov/kwvmwr. Written comments may also be mailed to:

National Mall and Memorial Parks
Attn: Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance
900 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20024

Meeting materials will be posted for review on October 15, 2019. Comments received by October 29, 2019 will be considered in the planning process.
Comment Period: Closed        Oct 15, 2019 - Oct 29, 2019
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