Install Signage at Franklin Park

National Mall and Memorial Parks » Install Signage at Franklin Park » Document List

The National Park Service, the District of Columbia, and the Downtown Business Improvement District (Partners) together are collectively committed to transform Franklin Park into an active, flexible, sustainable, and historic urban park connected to its community. Franklin Park, at five acres, is one of the largest NPS parks in Center City DC and therefore provides a unique opportunity to serve the community and enhance urban living. The park is under construction now with the opening scheduled for September 24, 2021.The DC government has dedicated over $15 million for this partnership project.

As part of this park revitalization project, National Mall and Memorial Parks, in partnership with the District of Columbia and the Downtown Business Improvement District, proposes the installation of park signage, including entry signage, as is common practice in parks. Most of the proposed signage reflects the standard National Mall signage guidelines while unique entry signs are proposed for the two primary entrances located in the northeast and southwest corners of the park landscape. The entry signs are installed in the park landscape areas and are fabricated metal dimensional letters with white paint finish.

The Area of Potential Effect (APE) includes Franklin Park (Reservation 9) and the buildings fronting it (see APE map for Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan) and is situated within the Plan of the City of Washington (incorporating L'Enfant plan elements), which was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on April 24, 1997; draft National Historic Landmark documentation was submitted on January 4, 2001. Please see Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan for information and documentation on the planning and design effort for the park rehabilitation-

Contact Information

Caridad de la Vega, National Mall and Memorial Parks
(202) 740-8377