Draft Alternatives Public Review - 2010

Four alternatives are currently under consideration for a security barrier system at the Jefferson Memorial. The EA will analyze the impacts of implementing any of these alternatives. Please review the following draft EA alternatives which were presented at a public meeting held on August 11, 2010. This review period combines the public consultation process for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Section 106 consulting parties are encouraged to submit comments on the draft alternatives during this review period.

The NPS preferred method of receiving comments is digital submission through the PEPC link provided at the top of your screen.
Comment Period: Closed        Aug 11, 2010 - Sep 14, 2010
Document Content:
Slide Show Presentation part 1 of 2   (1.9 MB, PDF file)
Project Alternatives Display Boards   (3.1 MB, PDF file)
NEPA NHPA Display Boards   (2.0 MB, PDF file)
Slide Show Presentation Part 2 of 2   (4.4 MB, PDF file)
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