Lincoln Home National Historic Site General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement |
Draft General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement - June 2010 |
Jan 30, 2011 |
General Management Plan |
Lincoln Home National Historic Site General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement |
Abbreviated Final General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement - January 2012 |
Jan 30, 2012 |
General Management Plan |
Lincoln Home National Historic Site General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement |
Record of Decision on the General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement for Lincoln Home NHS |
General Management Plan |
Replace sections of walkways on corners of 8th & Jackson intersection with concrete ramps and curb cuts |
Repair/Rehabilitation |
Remove damaged Crabapple trees near Lincoln Barn (HS-01A) and Arnold Barn (S-25) and replace with Dogwoods |
Preventive Maintenance |
Replace Carpet Tiles in VC Lobby to Enhance Visitor Satisfaction |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Gas main and service replacement work throughout historic district at Lincoln Home NHS |
Equipment Replacement |
Remove Sycamore tree next to south wall of Visitor Center for safety. |
Routine Maintenance |
Move small apple tree from Shutt (HS-17) yard to Robinson (HS-10) yard |
Routine Maintenance |
Repair and paint retaining wall in front of Lincoln Home - Update |
Emergency Repair |
Replace HVAC System at Lincoln Home Carriage House (HS-01A & B) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace Existing Carpet in the Dubois House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Add pedestrian counters along main pedestrian thoroughfares in park. |
Other Administrative Activities |
Repair and paint retaining wall in front and side of Lincoln Home (HS-01) |
Emergency Repair |
Install two bee hives in empty lot near Conference Center (S-30) |
Resource Management |
Install temporary wooden A-frame exhibit to hold label from damaged wagon exhibit |
Interpretive Plan |
Repair and Paint Exterior of Beedle House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace HVAC System at Arnold House (HS-20) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Remove crooked Linden tree in front of Jenkins/Roll lots (Block 11, Lots 4 & 5) |
Resource Management |
Repair, seal and stripe visitor and bus parking lots at Lincoln Home NHS |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Repair and Paint Exterior of Shutt House (HS-17) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Repair and Paint Exterior of Stuve House and Stuve Carriage House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Stabilize the B-2 storage building (S-2) and remove termite damage |
Emergency Repair |
Treat historic Linden tree in Dean Lot (Block 7 Lot 11) for Carpenter Ants |
Integrated Pest Management |
Replace Visitor Centor Standing Seam And Flat Roof |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Emergency repair to Cook House (HS-19) window on south side |
Emergency Repair |
Replace HVAC System at Dubois House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Remove dying trees in Legacy Garden for safety and open area for pollinator garden. Add pines to area. |
Routine Maintenance |
Fee-FEPR- Replace Landscaping Around North Side of Visitor Center to Increase Visitor Satisfaction |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Emergency repairs to south porch fascia and floor boards at Robinson House (HS-10) |
Emergency Repair |
Remove wooden boardwalks between houses and from back door of Rosenwald House (HS-08) to alley. Replace back walk with stamped concrete |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Build and install temporary exhibits in the Corneau House (HS-02) for visitor enjoyment |
Other Natural/Cultural Resource Activities |
Remove dying oak trees in front of VC and along Capitol Ave. and replace with native street trees |
Routine Maintenance |
Replace Existing Carpet in the Lyon House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace boardwalks with concrete around historic houses along 8th Street |
Routine Maintenance |
Insert Lightning Rods around Perimeter of Grace Lutheran Church (in holding) |
Emergency Repair |
Paint Exterior of the Robinson House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Remove damaged Silver Maple and Sweet Gum trees near Visitor Center and Cook House (HS-19) for safety |
Preventive Maintenance |
Paint Exterior of the Cook House (HS-19) and Cook Storage Shed |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace Visitor Parking Lot gates with electronic arms and fee-collection equipment |
Equipment Replacement |
Reinstall taller fence around Equipment storage area and add temporary covering near top |
Preventive Maintenance |
Remove invasive Bradford Pear tree from Jackson Street outside historic zone. |
Routine Maintenance |
Replace HVAC system at Shutt House (HS-17) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Lincoln Home National Historic Site General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement |
NPS Approves General Management Plan for Lincoln Home NHS |
General Management Plan |
DEED-Replace Boardwalks on North End of Park- Eighth and Jackson to Improve Visitor Safety |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Create trench from Morse House (HS-09) to equipment storage area for electrical line |
Routine Maintenance |
Repair to conduit pipe leading into Lincoln Home (HS-01) basement |
Routine Maintenance |
Replace Storm Windows at Beedle and Education Center To Increase Energy Efficiency |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Widen boardwalk from main boardwalk to front steps of Dean House (HS-13) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace parts of door frame around Lincoln Home front door and replace hinges |
Resource Management |
Emergency removal of five crabapple trees in Legacy Garden and NE green space |
Emergency Repair |
Repair plaster in Hired Girls' room and Back Parlor in Lincoln Home (HS-01) |
Repair/Rehabilitation |
Special Use permit for horse-drawn carriage/wagon tours along 8th Street at Lincoln Home |
Special Use Permit |
Replace Dean House (HS-13) HVAC and Controls |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace Main Components of Fire Suppression System at Lincoln Home (HS-01) |
Equipment Replacement |
Repair cracks in plaster in Hired Girl's Room in Lincoln Home (HS-01) |
Repair/Rehabilitation |
Replace boardwalks along Jackson Street with concrete from VC to Lincoln Home (HS-01) |
Repair/Rehabilitation |
Tuckpoint window wells on lease buildings as needed - Cook (HS-19), Robinson (HS-10) and Shutt (HS-17) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Repair and Paint Exterior of the Lyon House and Lyon House Privy (HS-08 and S-28) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace Fire Suppression System at Cook House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Repair leak in roof at Maintenance Shop (HS-05A) |
Routine Maintenance |
Remove large Elm tree and wooden cage in front of Lincoln Home and replace with small, slow-growing Elm tree. |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Repair sewer line in basement of Dubois House (HS-15) |
Routine Maintenance |
Replace angled safety sign posts with upright posts. |
Other Maintenance Activities |
Replace Boardwalks on North End of Park- Eighth and Jackson to Improve Visitor Safety |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace HVAC System at Cook House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Create a biodiverse conservation garden area in Legacy Garden (Block 11, Lots 9-16) and greenspace (Block 10, Lots 9-11) |
Other Maintenance Activities |
Replace Roof and Gutter System- Dubois House (HS-15) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Remove Emerald Ashborer-damaged Ash trees from pasture and Legacy garden areas; remove dying apple tree in Lincoln Home backyard |
Other Natural/Cultural Resource Activities |
Emergency repairs to collapsing east porch on Stuve House (HS-05) to mitigate safety hazard |
Emergency Repair |
Remove non-historic fence screening ramp into Morse House (HS-09) |
Removal/Demolition |
Paint Exterior and Repair Porches at Sprigg House |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Remove boardwalks from the right-of-way area between boardwalks and street around Lincoln Home area |
Removal/Demolition |
Grind out stump of hackberry tree in Solomon Allen lot (Block 11, Lot 8) cut down in 2001 |
Removal/Demolition |
Emergency removal of storm-damaged silver maple in Sprigg (HS-11) backyard |
Emergency Repair |
Clean up planting areas in backyards of Beedle (HS-12) and Lyon/Rosenwald (HS-08) houses |
Routine Maintenance |
Create second heirloom garden in Dean House (HS-13) backyard (Block 7, Lot 11) |
Other Maintenance Activities |
Bump out section of fence at Robinson House (HS-10) around new HVAC equipment for efficiency |
Routine Maintenance |
Trim Hazardous Trees for Visitor Safety |
Preventive Maintenance |
Tuckpoint chimneys on lease buildings - Cook (HS-19), Robinson (HS-10) and Shutt (HS-17) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
DEED-Replace Boardwalks on South End of Park- Eighth & Jackson to Improve Visitor Safety and Access |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Add exterior outlet to Stuve Carriage House (HS-05a) for charging scissor lifts in equipment storage area. |
Routine Maintenance |
Repair and Paint Exterior of Lincoln Home |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Repair crack/hole in Lincoln Home (HS-01) foundation causing leak into basement |
Emergency Repair |
Remove Lightning Rods and Cables from Lincoln Home (HS-01) Roof |
Resource Management |
Repair Wooden Curbs on Jackson and Eighth Street at Lincoln Home NHS |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace HVAC Systems at Conference Center (S-30) with Energy Efficient Systems |
Routine Maintenance |
Plant bushes across the alley from the exit from Lincoln Home backyard. |
Routine Maintenance |
Replace HVAC System and Controls For Visitor Center |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Paint Exterior of Sprigg Barn and Privy, and Corneau Barn and Privy |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Expand boardwalk leading to Lyon House (HS-08) for wayside exhibit installation |
Other Maintenance Activities |
Replace Copper Metal Roofs on Lyon/Rosenwald (HS-08), Beedle (HS-12), and Dean (HS-13) Houses |
Routine Maintenance |
Repair and Paint Exterior of Allen Barn, Robinson Storage Shed and Dean House Outbuilding |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Cut and replace drywall where needed to replace broken plumbing in Robinson House (HS-10) |
Emergency Repair |
Remove London Plane tree stump in Legacy Garden after storm damage |
Routine Maintenance |
Add sliding deadbolt locks to historic doors in the Rosenwald/Lyon House (HS-08) |
Routine Maintenance |
Emergency installation of plywood over basement windows in Lincoln Home (HS-01) |
Emergency Repair |
Replace Carpet Tiles in VC Theaters 1 and 2 to Enhance Visitor Satisfaction |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace Roof on Corneau Barn and Privy |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace Gate Arm Units on East & West Alleys to Improve Visitor Safety/Accessibility |
Routine Maintenance |
Remove dying Pin Oak tree on north side of Morse House along Capitol Ave. for safety. |
Resource Management |
Repair Brick Walkway From Edwards St. to Bus Lot & Add Curbing Around Trees to Improve Visitor Acces |
Routine Maintenance |
Replace painted back porch floor on Robinson House (HS-10) with stained fir boards. |
Routine Maintenance |
Complete Structural Assessment on Stuve House |
Resource Management |
Remove dead and dying trees for safety and replace according to Landscape Plan (2012) |
Routine Maintenance |
Repair and Paint Exterior- Morse House (HS-09) |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace Entry Boardwalks to Homes on North End of Park |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Install a concrete pad on the alley side of the B-2 building for a wayside exhibit base. |
Other Maintenance Activities |
Remove dying Siberian Elm tree and Crabapple bush from behind equipment storage area for storage expansion |
Routine Maintenance |
Remove dying Crab Apple tree next to fence on north side of Lincoln Home. |
Emergency Repair |
Remove dying Chinese Elm tree and replace in-kind in backyard of Robinson House (HS-10) |
Emergency Repair |
Install screen in front of air conditioning units in Corneau backyard (Block 6, Lot 6) |
Preventive Maintenance |
Replace Arnold and Dean House Exhibit Area Carpet Tiles to Enhance Visitor Satisfaction |
Cyclic Maintenance |
Replace front door of Lyon/Rosenwald House (HS-08) to improve security |
Preventive Maintenance |
Add fences and gates around buildings to improve safety and security |
Routine Maintenance |
Replace HVAC System at the Robinson House (HS-10) |
Cyclic Maintenance |