PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Install screen in front of air conditioning units in Corneau backyard (Block 6, Lot 6)

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Install screen in front of air conditioning units in Corneau backyard (Block 6, Lot 6) » Document List

This project will install a white vertical board fence, identical to the white board fence surrounding the rest of the yard, in front of exterior air conditioning units as a screen to deter visitors from accessing them. The yard is open to the public as part of a new exhibit in the Corneau House (HS-02), and the air conditioning units are easily seen and accessible by visitors in the yard. Adding a fence screen will block ready view of the units. The fence will run west from the SW corner of the Corneau House, approximately 17 1/2' long. Three post holes, each approximately 10" diameter to hold a 6x6" wooden post will be spaced about 6' apart. The area cannot be completely closed in to maximize visitor safety because there is a standpipe for fire suppression in the same area.

Contact Information

Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235