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Repair cracks in plaster in Hired Girl's Room in Lincoln Home (HS-01)

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Repair cracks in plaster in Hired Girl's Room in Lincoln Home (HS-01) » Document List

The plaster has cracked in the northeast corner of the Hired Girl's room in the Lincoln Home (HS-01). This plaster was most likely applied during the 1950s restoration of the Home. A window had been added in the late 1800s or early 1900s on the north wall near the cracked plaster. It was removed as part of the 1950s restoration but no records have been found about its removal and patching, which may have contributed to the instability of the plaster. The crack, which is approximately 4' long, flexes with the weather and HVAC changes within the house. The gutter and downspout immediately outside of this corner have also frequently been clogged, which may have contributed to the damage. Paint is peeling and small cracks also appear along the joints between the walls and the ceiling on all four sides of the room. After the room is emptied of artifacts, any loose plaster and paint will be removed and the crack edges sanded smooth. A silicon-based and moveable caulk will be applied. When dry, the entire room, including the floor, will be repainted in the original colors of off-white for the walls and "barn red" for the floor. The colors are based on paint found behind baseboards and between the floorboards.

Contact Information

Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235