PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Paint Exterior of the Cook House (HS-19) and Cook Storage Shed

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Paint Exterior of the Cook House (HS-19) and Cook Storage Shed » Document List

The Cook House (HS-19) contains 4,407 square feet of exterior painted surface. This building was last painted in 2015, and is due to be repainted 2021 in order to remain on a five-seven year cyclic painting schedule. Work of this project includes cleaning, caulking, and the preparation all exterior surfaces including the repairing of damaged and deteriorated areas as well as the re-glazing all twenty-eight windows. Repaired areas will be primed and two coats of exterior latex paint matching the existing historic color will be applied to the siding and trim. There is no lead paint on the structure, so there is no need for any lead remediation. The storage shed has approximately 700 square feet of rough-sawn cedar siding that will be stained with 2 coats of black walnut stain. This is an in-kind surface treatment for the building which was built in the 1960s.

Contact Information

Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235