PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Repair and paint retaining wall in front and side of Lincoln Home (HS-01)

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Repair and paint retaining wall in front and side of Lincoln Home (HS-01) » Document List

The brick retaining wall veneer on the front and partial side of Lincoln Home (HS-01) has been damaged by the widely fluctuating temperatures experience in Springfield in the last month. In the last week, the temperatures ranged from -35 to 60 in less than 72 hours time. This has caused the brick, most less than 50 years old, to spall in places. The park mason will check the visible part of the wall, which is a veneer in front of the cinder block serving as the actual wall, for further spalling and will replace the brick as needed with in-kind brick. Tuckpointing may also be needed. When the repairs are complete, the wall will be painted with latex paint to match the siding of the Lincoln Home, meeting historical accuracy. Approximately 259 square feet of brick will be inspected and repaired.

Contact Information

Mark Price, 217-391-3231