Big Cypress National Preserve - All Documents and Projects

Southeast » Florida

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Newsletter 3, October 2005 Jan 09, 2006
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Newsletter 4, May 2006 Jul 18, 2006
South Florida and Caribbean Parks Exotic Plant Management Plan Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the South Florida and Caribbean Parks Exotic Plant Management Plan Nov 22, 2006
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Newsletter 5, April 2007 Jun 15, 2007
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands General Management Plan/Wilderness Study/Off-Road Vehicle Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement - draft, May 2009 Sep 30, 2009
Loop Road Rehabilitation and Repair Request for scoping comments May 15, 2010
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Floodplains Statement of Findings Jun 04, 2010
Loop Road Rehabilitation and Repair Environmental Assessment of Loop Road Improvements Oct 22, 2010
Air Tour Management Plan Public Scoping Packet May 19, 2011
Hunting Management Plan/EA Public Scoping Newsletter, August 2011 Sep 16, 2011
Camping fee proposal Fee proposal Dec 02, 2011
Hunting Management Plan/EA Hunting Management Plan / Environmental Assessment, Draft, Mar. 7, 2012 Apr 21, 2012
Hunting Management Plan/EA Hunting Management Plan / Environmental Assessment, Revised Draft, July 19, 2012 Aug 24, 2012
Hunting Management Plan/EA Hunting Management Plan / Environmental Assessment, Second Revised Draft, Dec. 21, 2012 Feb 14, 2013
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Wetlands Statement of Findings, draft Aug 21, 2013
Copeland Prairie Mitigation Plan Scoping notice Dec 07, 2013
Copeland Prairie Mitigation Plan Copeland Prairie Mitigation Plan Apr 05, 2014
Commercial Air Tour Management Agreements Draft Commercial Air Tour Management Agreement for Big Cypress National Preserve / Miami Seaplane Tours Apr 25, 2014
Commercial Air Tour Management Agreements Draft Commercial Air Tour Management Agreement for Big Cypress National Preserve / Wings Apr 25, 2014
Backcountry Access Plan Scoping newsletter- -Fall 2013 May 11, 2014
Update Fire Management Plans for Big Cypress National Preserve and Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge Scoping Brochure for BICY and FPNWR Fire Management Plan EA Feb 27, 2015
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey Plan of Operations, Revised December 2014 Aug 16, 2015
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey Environmental Assessment, November 2015 Jan 04, 2016
Backcountry Access Plan Preliminary Alternatives Newsletter- -January 2016 Mar 13, 2016
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey Revised Environmental Assessment, March 2016 Apr 09, 2016
Update Fire Management Plans for Big Cypress National Preserve and Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge BICY and FPNWR Fire Management Plans Environmental Assessment, July 2016 Aug 19, 2016
New home and septic system at Owen Billie Camp FSOF for Billie Camp Home and Septic System Expansion Jul 10, 2019
New home and septic system at Owen Billie Camp EA for Billie Camp Home and Septic System Expansion Jul 10, 2019
Construct Everglades City Replacement Housing Hardened to Resist Storms and Flooding Construct Everglades City Replacement Housing Hardened to Resist Storms and Flooding Environmental Assessment Apr 07, 2020
Backcountry Access Plan Big Cypress National Preserve Backcountry Access Plan / Draft Environmental Impact Statement Dec 15, 2020
Hydrologic Restoration Management Plan and EA Public Scoping Newsletter and Presentation - Big Cypress National Preserve Hydrologic Restoration Management Plan and Environmental Assessment Jul 13, 2021
Hydrologic Restoration Management Plan and EA Hydrologic Restoration Management Plan and Environmental Assessment Dec 07, 2021
Proposal for Modification of Burnett Oil Co., Inc's Existing Plan of Operations (9B Permit) for the Nobles Grade 3D Seismic Survey. Revised Compensatory Mitigation Plan to 2016 Wetlands Statement Of Findings Dec 07, 2021
Backcountry Access Plan Big Cypress National Preserve Supplemental Draft Backcountry Access Plan/ Wilderness Study/ Environmental Impact Statement Sep 26, 2022
Construct Fire Station at Big Cypress National Preserve Headquarters Complex Construct Fire Station at Big Cypress National Preserve Headquarters Complex Environmental Assessment May 17, 2023
Construct Fire Station at Big Cypress National Preserve Headquarters Complex Finding of No Significant Impact, Construct Fire Station at Big Cypress National Preserve Headquarters Complex Sep 26, 2023
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Transcripts of oral GMP comments and wilderness hearing from August 12, 2009 in Everglades City
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands National Wild Turkey Federation - Everglades Longbeards Chapter letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Defenders of Wildlife letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Collier County Board of County Commissioners letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Sierra Club letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Newsletter 7, June 2010
Commercial Air Tour Management Agreements Signed Commercial Air Tour Management Agreement for Big Cypress National Preserve / Miami Seaplane Tours
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey Preserve Enabling Legislation
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey Questions and Answers, December 8, 2015
Backcountry Access Plan DEIS Public Meeting Presentation November 2020
Backcountry Access Plan PRESS RELEASE - National Park Service releases Big Cypress National Preserve Backcountry Access Plan, Wilderness Study, Final EIS
Backcountry Access Plan Backcountry Access Plan/Wilderness Study/Final Environmental Impact Statement
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Newsletter 1, July 2001
Camping fee proposal Vacation cost comparison
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Wetlands Statement of Findings, final
Hunting Management Plan/EA Western Addition memorandum
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey 12/8/2015 Public Meeting Alternatives Presentation
Proposal for Modification of Burnett Oil Co., Inc's Existing Plan of Operations (9B Permit) for the Nobles Grade 3D Seismic Survey. Tomato Farms Restoration Plan
Proposal for Modification of Burnett Oil Co., Inc's Existing Plan of Operations (9B Permit) for the Nobles Grade 3D Seismic Survey. Approved Compensatory Mitigation Plan Revision and 9B Operations Permit Modification
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Newsletter 2, August 2002
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Representative Matt Hudson letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Everglades Coordinating Council letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) letter
Camping fee proposal Implementation timeline
Hunting Management Plan/EA Public Meeting Presentation, August 9, 2012
Hunting Management Plan/EA Finding of No Significant Impact, Final Hunting Management Plan / Environmental Assessment, May 16, 2014
Backcountry Access Plan Wilderness Eligibility Assessment- -June 2015
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey 12/8/2015 Public Meeting NEPA Presentation
Backcountry Access Plan Draft Alternatives Presentation- -Open House Events, February 10-11, 2016
Commercial Air Tour Management Agreements Frequently Asked Questions
Proposal for Modification of Burnett Oil Co., Inc's Existing Plan of Operations (9B Permit) for the Nobles Grade 3D Seismic Survey. 2016 FONSI, Wetland Statement Of Finding
Backcountry Access Plan SDEIS Public Meeting Transcripts
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands The Future of Hunting in Florida, Inc. letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands State of Florida letters
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Big Cypress Sportsmen's Alliance comment form letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Collier Sportsmen letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Florida Trail Alliance letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Florida Wildlife Federation letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Transcripts of oral GMP comments and wilderness hearing from September 22, 2009 in Weston
South Florida and Caribbean Parks Exotic Plant Management Plan Abbreviated Final Environmental Impact Statement for the South Florida and Caribbean Parks Exotic Plant Management Plan- August 2010
Air Tour Management Plan Notice of Intent to Prepare Air Tour Management Plan
South Florida and Caribbean Parks Exotic Plant Management Plan Record of Decision for S.FL. and Caribbean Parks Exotic Plant Management Plan
Commercial Air Tour Management Agreements Signed Commercial Air Tour Management Agreement for Big Cypress National Preserve / Wings
Burnett Oil Co., Inc. Operations Permit Application for Drilling and Production at the Nobles Grade and Tamiami Prospects Burnett Oil Co., Inc.'s Operations Permit Application for Drilling and Production at the Nobles Grade and Tamiami Prospects
Proposal for Modification of Burnett Oil Co., Inc's Existing Plan of Operations (9B Permit) for the Nobles Grade 3D Seismic Survey. Press Release
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) member form letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Allied Sportsmen's Associations of Florida letter
Hunting Management Plan/EA Public Scoping Meeting Presentation, Aug. 30-31, 2011
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion, 11/17/10
Air Tour Management Plan Public Scoping News Release
Camping fee proposal 12-month profit and loss projection--status quo vs. fee increase
Hunting Management Plan/EA Public Scoping Report, Oct. 2011
Copeland Prairie Mitigation Plan Finding of No Significant Impact
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), May 6, 2016
Hydrologic Restoration Management Plan and EA Hydrologic Restoration Management Plan FONSI
Construct Fire Station at Big Cypress National Preserve Headquarters Complex Proposed Construction of a Fire Station at Big Cypress National Preserve HQ
Backcountry Access Plan Record of Decision on the Big Cypress National Preserve Backcountry Access Plan, Wilderness Study
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Transcripts of oral GMP comments and wilderness hearing from August 10, 2009 in Miami
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Transcripts of oral GMP comments and wilderness hearing from August 11, 2009 in Naples
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Safari Club International (SCI) letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Audubon of Florida and Collier County Audubon Society letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Jetport Conservation and Recreation Club letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Big Cypress Sportsmen's Alliance comments
Camping fee proposal Fee comparability 2011
Update Fire Management Plans for Big Cypress National Preserve and Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge Displays for 1/21/15 public scoping meeting
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey Plan of Operations Approval, May 10, 2016
Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey Questions and Answers, May 6, 2016
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Newsletter 6, February 2008
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Council of the Original Miccosukee Simanolee Nation, Aboriginal People letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Independent Traditional Seminole Nation of Florida letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Seminole Tribe of Florida letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Tropical Audubon Society letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands General Management Plan/Wilderness Study/Off-Road Vehicle Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement - final, October 2010
Loop Road Rehabilitation and Repair Finding of No Significant Impact for Loop Road Improvements
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Florida Biodiversity Project comments
Camping fee proposal Fee proposal summary sheet
Camping fee proposal Public meeting presentation
Update Fire Management Plans for Big Cypress National Preserve and Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge FPNWR 2009 Fire Management Plan
Construct Everglades City Replacement Housing Hardened to Resist Storms and Flooding Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Statement of Findings (SOF) for Floodplains
Construct Fire Station at Big Cypress National Preserve Headquarters Complex Press Release
Backcountry Access Plan PRESS RELEASE, National Park Service Issues Record of Decision on the Big Cypress National Preserve Backcountry Access Plan, Wilderness Study
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Summary of Public Comments on Draft GMP/EIS, December 2009
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Conservancy of Southwest Florida letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands National Wild Turkey Federation letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Pegasus Foundation letter
Big Cypress National Preserve GMP Addition Lands Record of Decision, 2/4/11
Camping fee proposal Press release
Update Fire Management Plans for Big Cypress National Preserve and Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge BICY 2010 (Revised 2013) Fire Management Plan
Backcountry Access Plan Public Scoping Report- -August 2014
* Open for comment.