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Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey

Big Cypress National Preserve » Burnett Oil Company Nobles Grade 3-D Seismic Survey » Document List

Texas-based Burnett Oil Company submitted to the National Park Service for approval a Plan of Operations (POP), a formal request to conduct a seismic survey of 110 square miles (70,454 acres) in the Preserve. A seismic survey is a preliminary research technique used to determine the presence of potential oil-bearing structures by introducing an energy source to the subsurface and recording and analyzing the returning sound waves. Stratigraphic anomalies detected by this technique may become future targets for oil and gas exploration drilling. An Environmental Assessment (EA), analyzing the environmental effects of the proposed survey and alternatives, was also prepared. The EA resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), documenting selection of the preferred alternative. This alternative will utilize Vibroseis buggies as the energy source, as detailed in the POP. The NPS conditionally approved the POP on May 10, 2016.

You will find on this website a copy of the POP, EA, FONSI, POP approval letter, and other documents and links.

Contact Information

Don Hargrove, 239-695-1150
Ron Clark, 239-695-1106