Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan

The Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area's management plan includes strategies and action steps to guide the activities of the coordinating entity and its partners for the next 10-15 years. The plan includes three strategy sections: 1) The Delta Experience: Perpetuate Culture and Tell the Story (interpretive plan), 2) A Sense of Place: Save the Delta's Historic Resources, and 3) The Power of Partnerships: Build the Network. The plan also includes an outline of the planning process, Statement of Significance, five themes, a historical overview, inventory of cultural, historic and natural resources, a business plan and an implementation schedule.
Comment Period: Closed        Dec 4, 2013 - Jan 24, 2014
Document Content:
Inventory Agriculture and Cotton   (432.6 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Immigration   (170.5 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Museums General History   (219.0 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Blues Music   (722.7 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Literature   (270.6 KB, PDF file)
Inventory National Register Listings   (1.0 MB, PDF file)
Table of Contents   (960.6 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Biological Resources   (28.8 KB, PDF file)
MDNHA Management Plan Appendix   (1.2 MB, PDF file)
Inventory Civil War   (329.1 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Recreation Resources   (393.8 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Land Resources   (284.1 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Water Resources   (150.2 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Cultural and Arts   (805.1 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Historic Markers   (358.4 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Mississippi River   (218.5 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Native American   (354.0 KB, PDF file)
Inventory Civil Rights   (400.5 KB, PDF file)
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