Crater Lake National Park - All Documents and Projects

Pacific West » Oregon

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End Project Type
Plaikni Falls Trail Plaikni Falls Trail Environmental Assessment May 26, 2010 Capital Improvement/New Construction
U.S.G.S. Radio Tower Proposal Public Scoping Letter May 13, 2011 Research Permit
U.S.G.S. Radio Tower Proposal Public Comment Documents Aug 28, 2011 Research Permit
Rehabilitate West and East Rim Drives and Rockfall Mitigation Release of an Environmental Assessment for Rehabilitation of East and West Rim Drives and Rockfall Mitigation at Crater Lake National Park Jan 28, 2013 Repair/Rehabilitation
Invasive Vegetation Management Plan Letter Announcing Stakeholder Scoping Dec 03, 2014 Invasive Species Management Plan
Crater Lake National Park Proposes Entrance Fee Increases Crater Lake National Park Proposes Entrance Fee Increases Dec 22, 2014 Fee Collection
West Panhandle Forest Restoration Project West Panhandle Forest Restoration Project Map Jan 16, 2016 Restoration
West Panhandle Forest Restoration Project West Panhandle Forest Restoration Project Scoping Information Jan 16, 2016 Restoration
Invasive Vegetation Management Plan Public Scoping Request Mar 09, 2016 Invasive Species Management Plan
Develop Water Supply to Augment Annie Springs Augment Annie Springs Water Supply Environmental Assessment Apr 04, 2016 Capital Improvement/New Construction
Trail Management Plan Seeking Feedback on Proposed Action Mar 03, 2017 Trail Management Plan
Invasive Vegetation Management Plan Invasive Vegetation Management Plan May 03, 2017 Invasive Species Management Plan
Trail Management Plan Preliminary Alternatives Newsletter Nov 13, 2017 Trail Management Plan
Crater Lake National Park Proposes Entrance Fee Increases in 2018 Crater Lake Fee Increase Proposal 2018 Mar 25, 2018 Fee Collection
Trail Management Plan Trail Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for Crater Lake National Park Oct 21, 2021 Trail Management Plan
Rehabilitate Cleetwood Trail and Repair Failing Facilities at Cleetwood Marina Rehabilitate Cleetwood Cove and Marina Project Information Feb 15, 2022 Repair/Rehabilitation
Trail Management Plan Trail Management Plan Finding of No Significant Impact Apr 04, 2022 Trail Management Plan
Crater Lake Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP) CRLA SETP Implementation Strategy Table Jun 14, 2024 Other Plan
Crater Lake Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP) CRLA Draft Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Jun 14, 2024 Other Plan
Rehabilitate Cleetwood Trail and Repair Failing Facilities at Cleetwood Marina U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit Application Public Notice Repair/Rehabilitation
Plaikni Falls Trail Plaikni Falls Trail - Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Capital Improvement/New Construction
Develop Water Supply to Augment Annie Springs Augment Annie Springs Water Supply Finding of No Significant Impact Capital Improvement/New Construction
Rehabilitate West and East Rim Drives and Rockfall Mitigation Final Signed FONSI 7-2-2013 Repair/Rehabilitation
U.S.G.S. Radio Tower Proposal FONSI on USGS Communications Tower Research Permit
Trail Management Plan CRLA Trail Management Plan Virtual Public Meeting Materials Trail Management Plan
Verizon Wireless Telecommunication Facility Right-of-Way Verizon Wireless Application Right-of-Way Permit
Trail Management Plan Trail Management Plan Public Scoping Newsletter Trail Management Plan
Crater Lake National Park Proposes Entrance Fee Increases in 2018 Crater Lake National Park Changes Entrance Fee to Address Infrastructure Needs Fee Collection
Invasive Vegetation Management Plan Crater Lake Locator Map Invasive Species Management Plan
Invasive Vegetation Management Plan Invasive Vegetation Management Plan Finding of No Significant Impact Invasive Species Management Plan
* Open for comment.