PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Rehabilitate Cleetwood Trail and Repair Failing Facilities at Cleetwood Marina

Crater Lake National Park » Rehabilitate Cleetwood Trail and Repair Failing Facilities at Cleetwood Marina » Document List

The Cleetwood Cove Trail is the most heavily used trail in the park and the only permitted access to the shore of Crater Lake. Every year, thousands of park visitors hike this trail to gain access to lakeshore. The Cleetwood Cove Marina is the launch point for the concession-provided boat tours of Crater Lake and the park's boats. This project proposes to rehabilitate the trail and related infrastructure to ensure safe access to the lake, provide needed visitor services, and to protect the environment.

This project will address critical safety issues with the Cleetwood Cove Trail and Marina. Work proposed includes:

(1) Rehabilitation of the entire 1.1 mile trail including improvements to trail tread and retaining walls.
(2) Rockfall scaling and mitigation along identified high risk zones.
(3) Removal and replacement of the failed bulkhead/dock with a structurally stable marina.
(4) Replacing the outdated and undersized composting toilets located near the marina.

The park is seeking to implement this project in 2024. Due to the extent work to be completed and short construction seasons, trail closures will be required and are expected during the duration of the 2024 and 2025 summer seasons. During this time, no boat tours will be provided and the trail will be closed due to construction and rockfall hazards.

The park is currently engaged in project design and is seeking public comments on the proposal. Please click the "Open for Comment" link to download a project fact sheet and provide feedback. Comments will be accepted through February 15, 2022.

Contact Information

Kirsten Hardin