Morristown National Historical Park - All Documents and Projects

Northeast » New Jersey

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End
Crossroads of the American Revolution NHA Management Plan/Environmental Assessment Crossroads Environmental Assessment Apr 11, 2011
Crossroads of the American Revolution NHA Management Plan/Environmental Assessment Crossroads Draft Implementation Plan Apr 11, 2011
Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment MORR Newsletter, Summer 2011 Aug 14, 2011
Nationwide Multi-Unit Fire Management Plan / Environmental Assessment Nationwide Multi-Unit Fire Management Plan / Environmental Assessment Apr 18, 2016
Crossroads of the American Revolution NHA Management Plan/Environmental Assessment Crossroads Legislation
Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment EA and AoE
Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment Newsletter January 2014 update on schedule and process
Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment Informational Posters
Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment FONSI
Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment Newsletter Update on Vegetation Deer Management plan
Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment 2017 Public Meetings Poster Boards - Summary of Draft EA
Crossroads of the American Revolution NHA Management Plan/Environmental Assessment Crossroads Feasibility Study
Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment Public Scoping Comment Analysis Report - October 2011
* Open for comment.