Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment

Morristown National Historical Park » Morristown National Historical Park Vegetation/Deer Management Plan Environmental Assessment » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) has prepared a draft Vegetation and White-tailed Deer Management Plan (plan). Originally we expected the plan to be accompanied with an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Morristown National Historical Park. The purpose of the plan is to address issues associated with nonnative invasive plant species proliferation that prevents native tree regeneration; the effects of white-tailed deer browsing on tree regeneration; and the loss of key aspects of the park's cultural landscape. We thank you for your input during formal scoping period in 2011. The information gathered during that time has been used by planners as they refined alternatives and worked through impact analysis on our natural and cultural resources at the park for the development of a Vegetation and White-tailed Deer Management Plan. After careful analysis and consideration, the NPS has changed the environmental compliance pathway from an EIS to an Environmental Assessment (EA).

The EA addresses the the purpose and need for the proposed actions, a determination of environmental issues and potential impacts resulting from the alternatives considered (including the no action alternative), and public involvement and agency coordination. Public meetings will be conducted in late August. Please check this site periodically for updates. Also, if you have thoughts or concerns you would like to share, please send your comments to:

Mr. Robert Masson
Morristown National Historical Park
30 Washington Place
Morristown, NJ 07960

Thank you for your continuing interest in Morristown National Historical Park.