Arches National Park - All Documents and Projects

Intermountain » Utah

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End Project Type
Arches Transportation Implementation Plan/Environmental Assessment Transportation Implementation Plan and Environmental Assessment - September 2006 Nov 01, 2006 Transportation Plan
Delicate Arch trail stream crossing repair/relocation Scoping notice Dec 22, 2006 Resource Management Plan
Proposed Fee Increases Proposed 2008 fee increases Mar 05, 2007 Other
Commercial Use Authorization, Commercial Canyoneering Commercial use authorization, commercial canyoneering Mar 15, 2007 Commercial Use Authorization
Climbing Management Plan Arches National Park Seeking Input for Climbing Management Plan May 04, 2007 Other
Delicate Arch trail stream crossing repair/relocation Environmental Assessment, Salt Wash crossing, Delicate Arch Trail Jun 13, 2007 Resource Management Plan
Delicate Arch trail stream crossing repair/relocation EA available for public review and comment Jun 13, 2007 Resource Management Plan
Capture and Radio Collar Bighorn Sheep Bighorn Sheep Capture and Collaring EA Jan 21, 2008 Other
Exotic Plant Managment Plan Briefing Statement Jul 31, 2008 Integrated Pest Management Plan
Exotic Plant Managment Plan Press Release Mar 06, 2009 Integrated Pest Management Plan
Exotic Plant Managment Plan Southeast Utah Group Exotic Plant Management Plan Mar 06, 2009 Integrated Pest Management Plan
Williams Northwest Pipeline Maintenance Scoping Brochure Sep 18, 2009 Special Use Permit
Williams Northwest Pipeline Maintenance Williams Northwest Pipeline Maintenance EA/AEF May 16, 2010 Special Use Permit
Climbing and Canyoneering Management Plan Public Scoping Brochure for Climbing and Canyoneering Management Aug 10, 2010 Climbing Management Plan
Climbing and Canyoneering Management Plan Preliminary Alternatives for Climbing and Canyoneering Management Plan Mar 13, 2011 Climbing Management Plan
SEUG Soundscape Management Plan Public Scoping Newsletter Oct 14, 2011 Implementation Plan - Other
Alternative Transportation Feasibility Study and Congestion Management Strategies Final Arches Transportation Feasibilty Study_May 2012 Jul 06, 2012 Feasibility Study
Park wide Road Maintenance and Modification Project Scoping Brochure Mar 12, 2013 Capital Improvement/New Construction
Climbing and Canyoneering Management Plan Climbing and Canyoneering Management Plan EA/AEF June 2013 Jul 09, 2013 Climbing Management Plan
Delicate Arch/Wolfe Ranch Site Plan Delicate Arch/Wolfe Ranch Site Plan Scoping Brochure Apr 08, 2014 Development Concept Plan/Site Plan
Delicate Arch/Wolfe Ranch Site Plan Delicate Arch/Wolfe Ranch Site Plan EA Sep 25, 2014 Development Concept Plan/Site Plan
Arches National Park Proposes Fee Increases News Release_Proposed Fee Increases Feb 13, 2015 Fee Collection
Traffic Congestion Management Plan for Arches National Park July 2015 Public Scoping Newsletter Traffic Congestion Management Aug 19, 2015 Implementation Plan - Other
Traffic Congestion Management Plan for Arches National Park Oct 2015 Prelimenary Alternatives Newsletter Traffic Congestion Management Nov 12, 2015 Implementation Plan - Other
Utah Group and SEUG Fire Management Plans EA Public Scoping for the Utah Group Fire Management Plans Environmental Assessment Jan 08, 2016 Fire Management Plan
Arches National Park Proposes Entrance Fee Increases News Release for ARCH Proposed Entrance Fee Increases Sep 01, 2017 Fee Collection
Salt Wash Project ARCH Salt Wash Rehabilitation EA Nov 16, 2017 Rehabilitation
Traffic Congestion Management Plan for Arches National Park Traffic Congestion Management Plan Dec 18, 2017 Implementation Plan - Other
Arches Visitor Center Connector Trail Arches National Park Visitor Center Connector Trail Feb 11, 2020 Predominant Use Change
Arches Visitor Center Connector Trail Written Determination: Bicycle Use on Visitor Center Connector Trail at Arches National Park Feb 22, 2021 Predominant Use Change
Fee increase proposal for Fiery Furnace in Arches and backcountry permits in Canyonlands Arches and Canyonlands National Parks Accepting Comments on Proposed Fee Increases for Backcountry Operations May 25, 2021 Fee Collection
Air Tour Management Plan Arches National Park Draft Air Tour Management Plan Oct 03, 2021 Air Tour Management Plan
Arches Visitor Access and Experience Arches National Park Schedules Public Meetings on Traffic Congestion and Crowding Oct 05, 2021 Visitor Use Management Plan
Arches Visitor Access and Experience Arches National Park Visitor Access and Experience Update Dec 01, 2023 Visitor Use Management Plan
Construct 3 bridges on the Delicate Arch Road Floodplain Statement of Findings for Delicate Arch Road Bridges Sep 17, 2024 Capital Improvement/New Construction
Construct Flood Diversion Wall Construct Flood Diversion Wall at Maintenance Shop Repair/Rehabilitation
Sand Dune Arch Parking Lot Sand Dune Arch Parking Lot Transportation Plan
Install Culverts at Salt Valley Wash Road Crossing Transportation Plan
Routine paved road maintenance Routine Maintenance
Rehabilitate Devils Garden Campground Repair/Rehabilitation
Delicate Arch Trail Surface Repair Other Maintenance Activities
Upgrade Arches VC public restroom ventilation and heating Other Maintenance Activities
Alternative Transportation Feasibility Study and Congestion Management Strategies Revised Arches Transportation Feasibility Study_September 2012 Feasibility Study
Delicate Arch/Wolfe Ranch Site Plan Delicate Arch/ Wolfe Ranch Site Plan EA Review News Release Development Concept Plan/Site Plan
Arches National Park Proposes Entrance Fee Increases Questions and Answers on Proposed Fee Increases Fee Collection
Establish radio repeater near Panorama Point Capital Improvement/New Construction
Remove Exotic Trees from River Corridor Along Arches National Park Resource Management Plan
Accessible Picnic Sites at Devils Garden and Balanced Rock Picnic Areas Capital Improvement/New Construction
Rodent-proof Visitor Center and Administration Buildings to Protect from Hantavirus Other Maintenance Activities
Park wide Road Maintenance and Modification SIGNED FONSI for Arches Road Maintenance Capital Improvement/New Construction
Delicate Arch/Wolfe Ranch Site Plan Delicate Arch/ Wolfe Ranch Site Pan FONSI Development Concept Plan/Site Plan
Arches Visitor Center Connector Trail ARCH VC Connector Trail FONSI Signed Predominant Use Change
Air Tour Management Plan Virtual Presentation for Public Review Air Tour Management Plan
Petroglyph Panel ADA Accessible Surface Upgrade Site Plan Capital Improvement/New Construction
Programmatic CE for Commercial Filming 2011-2015 Programmatic Categorical Exclusion for Commercial Filming Special Use Permit
Climbing and Canyoneering Management Plan Final_August 2013_Climbing and Canyoneering Management Plan_EA_AEF Climbing Management Plan
Arches National Park Proposes Fee Increases Questions and Answers on Fee Increase Proposal Fee Collection
Traffic Congestion Management Plan for Arches National Park Traffic Congestion Management Plan EA News Release Implementation Plan - Other
Salt Wash Project Salt Wash Rehabilitation Project FONSI Rehabilitation
Repair of breached ditch behind Visitor Center Other Maintenance Activities
Special Use Permit, Lance Armstrong Foundation benefit bike ride Special Use Permit
Commercial Use Authorization, Commercial Canyoneering Other Permit
Interim Salt Wash crossing, Delicate Arch trail Other Maintenance Activities
Replace fixed anchors on rock climbing routes Other
Repair Washed Out Drainage Ditch at Arches HQ Area Other Maintenance Activities
Sand Dune Arch Parking Lot Sand Dune Arch Parking Lot Transportation Plan
Park wide Road Maintenance and Modification ARCH Parkwide Road Maintenance and Modification EA_July2013_final Capital Improvement/New Construction
Trail Tread Resurfacing, Landscape Arch Trail Other Maintenance Activities
Routine paved road maintanance Routine Maintenance
Prevent Visitor Center parking lot flooding Other Maintenance Activities
Exotic Plant Managment Plan Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Integrated Pest Management Plan
Alternative Transportation Feasibility Study and Congestion Management Strategies June 2012 Newsletter Feasibility Study
Park wide Road Maintenance and Modification 2017_0908_Amendment to the 3R Project Capital Improvement/New Construction
Traffic Congestion Management Plan for Arches National Park Evaluation of Potential Economic Impacts Associated with the Proposed Arches National Park Reservation System Implementation Plan - Other
Air Tour Management Plan ARCH ATMP FAQs Air Tour Management Plan
Visitor Center Area Russian Thistle Removal Other Maintenance Activities
Correct Deficiencies in Devil's Garden Utility Systems Other Maintenance Activities
Arches HQ Water Line Upgrade Capital Improvement/New Construction
Special Use Permit, Skinny Tire Festival Other Permit
Stablilize Historic Visitor Center Bridge (CCC Bridge) Resource Management Plan
Routine maintanance plan for unpaved roads Routine Maintenance
Alternative Transportation Feasibility Study and Congestion Management Strategies October 2011 Newsletter Feasibility Study
Salt Wash Project Salt Wash Rehabilitation EA Review News Release Rehabilitation
Traffic Congestion Management Plan for Arches National Park News Release for Comment Period Extension for Arches National Park Traffic Congestion Management Plan Implementation Plan - Other
Air Tour Management Plan Final ATMP Package Air Tour Management Plan
Improve campground host site Other Maintenance Activities
Resurface section of main park road Other Maintenance Activities
Special Event - Red Rock 4-Wheelers Special Use Permit
Commercial film permit, John Wesley Powell documentary Special Use Permit
Special use permit, bicycle race on Highway 191 bicycle trail Other Permit
All Southeast Utah Group Parks Chip Seal Other Maintenance Activities
Williams Northwest Pipeline Maintenance FONSI Signed Special Use Permit
Climbing and Canyoneering Management Plan ARCH Climbing and Canyoneering FONSI Climbing Management Plan
Park wide Road Maintenance and Modification 2016_0517_Amendment to the 3R Project Capital Improvement/New Construction
Special use permit, bicycle race Special Use Permit
Outdoor Light Fixtures with Dark Sky Friendly Fixtures and Bulbs Other Maintenance Activities
Removal and replacement of vault toilets Capital Improvement/New Construction
Replace culverts at Arches maintanance area Other Maintenance Activities
Commercial film permit, Delicate Arch trail Other Permit
Commercial film permit, Dark Spark Productions Other Permit
Restore native vegetation to Wolfe Ranch/Salt Wash bench Resource Management Plan
Courthouse Wash Exotic Plant Control Other
Create Stone Step-Up on Primitive Loop Slide-off Area Other
* Open for comment.