PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Routine paved road maintanance

Canyonlands National Park » Routine paved road maintanance » Document List

The following is a list of routine road work in the Southeast Utah Group. This work is generally completed using ONPS base funds. If funds are received for a special project, that work will be covered under a separate project review.

• Water hauling.
• Sewage pumping.
• Snow plowing.
• Shoulder grading & ditch line work within the road prism.
• Maintaining shoulder and culvert rip rap.
• Striping parking areas.
• Road signs, culvert markers, guard rails, bollards.
• Culvert cleaning and maintenance. **
• Road patching.
• Shoulder mowing.
• Bridge maintenance. **
• Road & paved shoulder sweeping.
• Vegetation control in paved ditches. **
• Front country flash flood road repair. **
• Storage area cleanup and management.
• Cattle guard cleaning and maintenance.

** Clarification of routine work covered under this proposal:

Culvert Cleaning and Maintenance – Heavy equipment must be used from the road surface or shoulder. Using equipment in a creek or wash will require separate compliance. We hope to get this covered by a State permit in the future but are not at that point yet.

Bridge Maintenance – Same as culvert cleaning and maintenance above.

Vegetation Control in Paved Ditches – If anherbicide is used, it must be approved by the park IPM Coordinator (currently Craig Hauke) and the amount used recorded and the data turned in to the IMP Coordinator quarterly for required record keeping purposes. The person applying the herbicide must be a certified pesticide applicator or be working under the direction of a certified pesticide applicator, and must use the herbicide as specified on the label.

Front Country Flash Flood Road Repair – The Categorical Exclusion allows removal of debris and mud from the road surface. Debris and mud should be picked up and hauled away rather than pushed into the wash or stream. Use of heavy equipment off of the road surface or shoulder will require a separate compliance document.

Contact Information

Dave Wood 435-719-2133