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Proposed Fee Increases
Canyonlands National Park » Proposed Fee Increases » Document List
Proposed fee increases under consideration are listed in the article titled "Proposed 2008 Fee Increases," which can be viewed by clicking on "Document List" or "Open for Public Comment" to the left, then selecting the document. There is no change to the commercial vehicle fee, and children 15 and under are still free. Entrance fees at these parks have not been raised since 1996. If approved, these increases would take effect January 1, 2008.
The Southeast Utah Group welcomes public review and comments during the public comment period from January 12, 2007 through March 5, 2007. Please submit comments to Group Superintendent, Southeast Utah Group, 2282 S.W. Resource Blvd., Moab, UT 84532 or post online by selecting the document as above, then selecting "Comment on document" to the left.