PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Routine paved road maintenance

Canyonlands National Park » Routine paved road maintenance » Document List

The following is a list of routine road work to be completed in the Southeast Utah Group parks as needs arise.
• Water hauling.
• Sewage pumping.
• Snow plowing.
• Shoulder grading and ditch line work within the road prism.
• Maintaining shoulder and culvert rip rap.
• Striping parking areas.
• Road signs, culvert markers, guard rails, bollards.
• Culvert cleaning and maintenance.
• Road patching.
• Shoulder mowing.
• Bridge maintenance.
• Road and paved shoulder sweeping.
• Vegetation control in paved ditches.
• Flash flood road repair.
• Storage area cleanup and management.
• Cattle guard cleaning and maintenance.

Contact Information

Dave Wood 435-719-2133