New River Gorge National Park and Preserve - All Documents and Projects

Northeast » West Virginia

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End
Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan/EA Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan - Scoping Nov 24, 2008
Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan/EA Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan and Environmental Assessment Jan 30, 2009
Design and Build Hike and Bike Trails and Analyze Bicycle Use of Trails in the Park Project Scoping for Design and Build Hike and Bike Trails and Analyze Bicycle Use of Trails in the Park Jan 15, 2010
New River Gorge National River GMP/EIS Draft General Management Plan and EIS / Draft Foundation Plan Apr 16, 2010
Design and Build Hike and Bike Trails and Analyze Bicycle Use of Trails in the Park Environmental Assessment- Design and Build Two Stacked Loop Hiking and Biking Trail Systems, Develop Three Trails on Existing Roads, Analyze Bike Use on Park Trails Mar 04, 2011
Trail Development Plan Phase One: Through Park Connector; Northern Half, River Left Trail Development Plan - Phase One / FONSI Apr 05, 2013
Pike Drive Pond Decommissioning and Reclamation Pike Drive Dam Project Information Oct 04, 2021
Fire and Vegetation Management Plan Fire and Vegetation Management Plan EA Sep 30, 2024
GAOA- Demolition of Historic and Excess Structures Proposed Demolition of Historic Structures EA and Draft Historic PA Nov 08, 2024
Design and Build Hike and Bike Trails and Analyze Bicycle Use of Trails in the Park 1982 NERI General Management Plan
Design and Build Hike and Bike Trails and Analyze Bicycle Use of Trails in the Park Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
New River Gorge National River GMP/EIS Connecting the Parks with their Gateway Communities - Concept Plan
Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan/EA FONSI-signed -Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area IP/EA
New River Gorge National River GMP/EIS Abbreviated Final General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement and Foundation Plan for New River Gorge National River
Design and Build Hike and Bike Trails and Analyze Bicycle Use of Trails in the Park Cost Benefit Analysis for Proposed Rule
GAOA- Demolition of Historic and Excess Structures Posters and information for October 22, 2024, public meeting
GAOA-Funded Demolition of NERI Non-Historic Structures NERI Non-Historic Demolition Fact Sheet
Fire and Vegetation Management Plan Fire and Vegetation Management Plan Finding of No Significant Impact
New River Gorge National River GMP/EIS Record of Decision - General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement New River Gorge National River
Design and Build Hike and Bike Trails and Analyze Bicycle Use of Trails in the Park 1993 NERI Trail Development Plan
New River Gorge National River GMP/EIS Final General Management Plan / Final Foundation Plan
* Open for comment.