Public Meeting and Scoping October 2010-March 2011

The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking the public's input regarding planning efforts to replace and improve the existing visitor screening facility at the base of the Washington Monument. The NPS hosted an open house and scoping meeting on Nov. 8, 2010. See "Document List" and "Open for Comment" for more information.

***Note that the NPS has developed additional illustrations to describe a broad range of options for improving visitor screening and has posted them on signs outside of the Washington Monument Lodge. Visitors may pick up comment forms inside the Monument Lodge (9:00 a.m-5:00 p.m), and access the new information via this website. In order to accommodate additional comments, the NPS will accept comments through 11:59 p.m. on March 31st, 2011.

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the NPS is preparing an Environmental Assessment to evaluate a range of alternatives for improving the visitor screening facility at the Washington Monument. The purpose of the proposed action is to replace the existing temporary facility and improve the overall security of the Monument in a manner that maintains and preserves the visitor experience and cultural landscape of the Washington Monument Grounds. This would be the final phase in a series of security improvements that began in 2001. The EA will explore several new design alternatives for the proposed facility which were not considered previously.

The most efficient way to submit public written comments is via this website, but the public may also submit comments by mail or email to the addresses listed below.

National Park Service Denver Service Center
12795 W. Alameda Parkway
PO Box 25287
Denver, CO 80225-0287
Greg Cody, Technical Specialist for Cultural Resources
Attn: Washington Monument Security and Visitor Screening Improvement Project

Email comments to:
Comment Period: Closed        Oct 25, 2010 - Mar 31, 2011
Document Content:
WAMO Public Scoping Pres_PART 7   (7.1 MB, PDF file)
WAMO Public Scoping Pres_PART 1   (1.7 MB, PDF file)
WAMO Public Scoping Pres_PART 6   (4.5 MB, PDF file)
WAMO Public Scoping Pres_PART 2   (3.6 MB, PDF file)
WAMO Public Scoping Pres_PART 3A   (2.6 MB, PDF file)
WAMO Public Scoping Pres_PART 4   (7.5 MB, PDF file)
Scoping News Release   (1.2 MB, Word file)
WAMO Public Scoping Pres_PART 5   (3.7 MB, PDF file)
Design Boards Public Scoping   (4.3 MB, PDF file)
Procedure Boards Public Scoping   (2.1 MB, PDF file)
WAMO Public Scoping Pres_PART 3B   (6.4 MB, PDF file)
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