Draft Plan/EIS Open House Meeting Posters March 2011

The following posters were displayed during the public open house meetings in March 2011 for the GGNRA Dog Managemen Plan/EIS.
Document Content:
Poster: Crissy Field   (1.2 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Sweeney Ridge/Cattle Hill   (1.7 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Sutro Heights   (4.3 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Ocean Beach   (2.2 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Public Participation   (741.0 KB, PDF file)
Poster: Preferred Alternative   (717.6 KB, PDF file)
Poster: Stinson Beach   (1.1 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Plan Objectives   (2.6 MB, PDF file)
Poster: New Lands   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Baker Beach   (895.9 KB, PDF file)
Poster: Purpose and Need   (3.0 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Park Mission   (724.4 KB, PDF file)
Poster: NEPA Schedule   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Park Legislation   (3.0 MB, PDF file)
Poster: San Francisco County   (1.7 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Milagra Ridge   (2.5 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Impact Topics   (4.0 MB, PDF file)
Poster: ROLAs   (2.2 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Alta Trail   (1.1 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Meeting Information   (70.9 KB, PDF file)
Poster: Compliance Based Management   (1.2 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Fort Mason   (2.0 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Rodeo Beach   (1.1 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Welcome   (88.1 KB, PDF file)
Poster: Fort Point   (1.5 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Lands End   (583.8 KB, PDF file)
Poster: San Mateo County   (1.8 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Homestead Valley   (1.6 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Marin Headlands   (1.4 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Fort Funston   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Mori Point   (1.6 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Pedro Point   (1.1 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Oakwood Valley   (1.6 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Permits   (1.1 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Marin County   (1.8 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Muir Beach   (1.6 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Fort Baker   (1.4 MB, PDF file)
Poster: Fort Miley   (2.1 MB, PDF file)
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