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Crissy Field Centennial Repair, Presidio
Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Crissy Field Centennial Repair, Presidio » Document List
NPS has now selected a contractor for this project. Construction will begin as planned in early Spring 2017 and is anticipated to last 6 months. In order to minimize the impacts of construction on park visitors, project schedules will be shared with the public in advance of work beginning and detours will be established where appropriate.
Update: 6/9/16
Environmental compliance as well as final construction drawings for this project have been completed. These documents as well as a public comment report are available for review under "Documents List" tab. Construction is anticipated to begin in early 2017 and last several months.
Update: 5/3/16
The project scope has been modified in response to public input and refined cost estimates. The new design encompasses the most needed actions consistent with deferred maintenance standards and meets the project budget. A memo describing the project elements has been uploaded to the "Document List" page.
GGNRA expects to complete environmental compliance and design drawings for this project in June with construction anticipated to begin in the late fall of 2016. In order to minimize the impacts of construction, we plan to reach out to park visitors in advance regarding the construction schedule and develop detours where appropriate.
Update: 4/8/16
The National Park Service released the Crissy Field Centennial Repair Project for public comment from April 8- 22, 2016. Over 100 comments were received.
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, a Centennial Challenge Program was created to fund deferred maintenance throughout the National Park System. Funding for this project is made possible by the Centennial Challenge Program and is being matched by donations from the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund and members of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.
The primary goal of the funding is to address deferred maintenance. GGNRA is proposing to resurface the 1.5 mile long Promenade at Crissy Field and rehabilitate the East Beach Parking Area.
PURPOSE & NEED: Fifteen years since the Crissy Field restoration, the promenade surface is in need of repair and requires frequent maintenance. The Promenade receives over 1.2 million visitors each year including bicyclists, walkers, and joggers. The Centennial Challenge funding would be used to replace the Promenade surface in order to maintain access; eliminate areas in disrepair; increase the lifespan of the facilities; improve visitor experience and safety; and decrease future maintenance requirements.
The purpose and need of this project are to address critical repairs and deferred maintenance. These repairs will maintain access; eliminate areas in disrepair; provide for another 10-15 year lifespan; improve visitor experience and safety; and decrease future maintenance requirements at the Promenade and East Beach Parking Area while being responsive to changed conditions and visitor activities since the project was first implemented.
PROPOSED ACTION: The GGNRA proposes to resurface the promenade. The design will maintain accessibility standards and provide a surface material similar to that which is there but more durable. Repairs will improve drainage; eliminate erosion features that are unsafe; and provide a level surface along the entire length of the promenade that remains dry and stable.
The proposed project scope for the East Beach Parking Area has been reduced and will include routine repairs to existing paved surfaces. Specifically, the scope of work will include: 1) re-slurry and re-striping of the existing asphalt parking area to extend the life of the existing parking, and 2) minor improvements to existing walkways at the parking lot edge and around the restroom.