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Pinnacles National Monument General Management Plan and Environmental Assessment

Pinnacles National Park » Pinnacles National Monument General Management Plan and Environmental Assessment » Document List

Dear Friends,

The National Park Service (NPS) is pleased to announce the completion of the Pinnacles National Park General Management Plan (GMP). The Pacific West Regional Director approved the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the GMP on June 26, 2013. This FONSI documents the decision of the NPS to adopt Alternative D: Link People and Resources, the preferred alternative, as presented in the Draft General Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (DGMP/EA), and the determination that no significant impacts on the quality of the human environment nor impairment of park values are associated with that decision. The FONSI and attachments can be found in the document list section.

The Selected Alternative: Link People and Resources

This selected alternative celebrates Pinnacles within its regional context in the Gabilan Mountains ecoregion, engaging a broad range of visitors in the enjoyment, understanding, and stewardship of natural and cultural resources of the area. Pinnacles NP will focus on ways to connect diverse audiences and resources, to acknowledge the interrelationship between natural and cultural values, and to protect, preserve, and restore ecological communities and processes.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the planning process. The NPS efforts were enlightened and enhanced by the comments and insights of the public at large and key stakeholder organizations. This document will provide thoughtful guidance to park leadership as they preserve and protect the resources un-impaired and provide for visitor enjoyment of Pinnacles National Park into the future.

Karen Beppler-Dorn

Contact Information

Karen Beppler-Dorn:
(831) 389-4486 x 233
Jean Boscacci, Project Manager:
(415) 623-2312