A General Management Plan (GMP) is an opportunity for you to help create a vision for the future of Pinnacles National Monument. A GMP is a long-range plan required for each park and monument in the national park system. It identifies the desired conditions for natural and cultural resources and visitor experiences, in order to guide Pinnacles' managers as they decide how to best protect monument resources, how to provide for high quality visitor experiences, and how to manage visitation and visitor use. The GMP planning process will involve the following steps:

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Conduct external public scoping
Step 2. Analysis of public comment
Step 3. Develop alternatives
Step 4. Present preliminary alternatives to the public
Step 5. Analysis of public comment
Step 6. Refine alternatives
Step 7. Identify environmental impacts and select preferred alternative
Step 8. Prepare draft plan/environmental document
Step 9. Public review of draft plan/environmental document
Step 10. Analysis of public comment
Step 11. Prepare final plan/decision document
Step 12. Release final plan/decision document to the public *