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NPS Easement and Special Use Permit to City and County of San Francisco South Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » NPS Easement and Special Use Permit to City and County of San Francisco South Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project » Document List

On June 27, 2024, the San Francisco Public Utility Commission (SFPUC) notified Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) that they are evaluating substantial changes to the Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project requested by the California Coastal Commission to approve a Coastal Development Permit. GGNRA's Environmental Assessment (EA), "Easement to SFPUC Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation", is the required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance action for the project. The EA was released for public review and comment on April 1, 2024. The comment period closed on May 8, 2024. Given the potential for changes to the PUC's project, and possible changes in environmental impacts, GGNRA is putting work on the EA on hold. This includes responding to the public comments received. At this time, GGNRA does not have a schedule for resuming the EA and will notify the public of project changes and timelines at a future date. The City and County of San Francisco (city) has been working with and implementing actions approved by the NPS/GGNRA, other federal agencies, and state and local agencies for more than 10 years to protect the Great Highway and the city's South Ocean Beach wastewater system infrastructure from ongoing bluff erosion and property damage due to climate change and sea level rise.

CCSF has requested and NPS is considering issuance of an easement and Special Use Permit (federal action) which would allow the city to implement the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project (CCAP). The CCAP is a coastal adaptation and sea level rise resiliency project to protect public infrastructure and improve the portion of Ocean Beach from Sloat Boulevard to Fort Funston, known as South Ocean Beach.

Ocean Beach comprises a 3.5-mile stretch of sandy beach that forms the western boundary of San Francisco. The beach and bluff at South Ocean Beach are subject to severe erosion from coastal storms and waves. Since the 1990s, the city has responded to the erosion challenges by implementing a series of both hard shoreline armoring (e.g., rock and rubble revetments) and soft shoreline protection measures (e.g., beach nourishment and sandbag revetments).

The purpose of the federal action is for the NPS to consider whether to issue an easement and Special Use Permit (SUP) for work within NPS land to the city to implement the city's CCAP. The NPS easement and SUP would be discretionary and revocable and would not convey or imply any city interest in NPS land.

Contact Information

Laura Caballero
(415) 654-3314