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Replace boardwalks with concrete around historic houses along 8th Street
Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Replace boardwalks with concrete around historic houses along 8th Street » Document List
The 48" boardwalks and 8" deep runners will be removed, forms installed, and 60" wide concrete sidewalks will be installed with cuts made every 48". The color will be a tan color to match existing concrete sidewalks installed in 2022 with an exposed aggregate finish. The concrete will be poured to 4" or thicker concrete slab pf 3500 psi strength with #4 reinforcing bar or flat welded wire reinforcing on a 4" sand and gravel cushion compacted to 95%. The project will be completed by contract.
The boardwalk in front of the Miller House (HS-14) will be removed completely, fill dirt and grass seed will be installed until the house is restored.
Access steps and ramps attached to the porches and doorways will remain in place at this time and will not be replaced with concrete.
The houses impacted will be: Beedle (HS-12), Dean (HS-13), Corneau (HS-2), Sprigg (HS-11), Dubois (HS-15), Shutt (HS-17), Robinson (HS10), Cook (HS19), Lyon/Rosenwald (HS-05) and Arnold (HS-20). The Shutt House is leased to U.S. Senator Dick Durbin; the Cook House is leased to GSA; the Robinson House is currently unoccupied but is on the lease program; The Dean and Arnold Houses have exhibits available to the public, and the Corneau House will have public exhibits in the summer of 2023. The remaining houses are used by the NPS for staff offices.