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Native Fish Conservation Plan Environmental Assessment
Yellowstone National Park » Native Fish Conservation Plan Environmental Assessment » Document List
Implementation of the plan will begin during spring and summer 2011. The plan is designed to guide the management of fisheries and aquatic resources in the park for the next two decades.
The plan will conserve the Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake by increased netting of non-native lake trout. It also will result in the removal of non-native fish from some streams and lakes in the park, and re-introduction of native fish into restored habitats. It will allow managers to take an adaptive management approach to native fish conservation, incorporating new information and lessons gained from experience in annual work and treatment plans. This plan does not propose any changes in the Madison or Firehole rivers.
The Plan/EA and FONSI have been prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and are available in the Document List for this website.
Contact Information
Al Nash307-344-2010