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Long Point Cabin Camp Project

Cape Lookout National Seashore » Long Point Cabin Camp Project » Document List

Hurricane Dorian impacted Cape Lookout National Seashore (seashore) in 2019. Overwash, wind, and sound-side surge caused damage to park resources, including the Long Point Cabins on the North Core Banks. The cabin area is one of the largest attractions at the seashore; however, the National Park Service cannot sustain these cabins in their current location. This area has lost nearly 150 yards of beach and protective sand dunes over the last 20 years, and extreme tides wash under the cabins and through the camp. Further, Hurricane Dorian destroyed almost every septic system, the water treatment building, the power building, and hundreds of feet of water and electrical lines, besides doing structural damage to several of the cabins.

An environmental assessment (EA) was prepared to analyze alternatives and potential impacts. The EA analyzed three alternatives (Alternative A - No-action, Alternative B - Remove Existing Camp, and Alternative C - Northern Location) and the associated impacts of these alternatives on the environment. Based on the analysis presented in the EA, the National Park Service has selected Alternative C - Northern Location for implementation. A summary of the selected alternative and its potential impacts are provided in the Finding of No Significant Impact and the full alternative description can be found in Chapter two of the EA.

Contact Information

Jeff West
(252) 838-8890