Public Comment Report for the Preliminary Draft Alternatives

The park released a set of preliminary draft alternatives for public review and comment in March 2014 and conducted a 60-day public comment period. Six public meetings were held in communities around the Olympic Peninsula, with a total attendance of over 200 people. Additionally, over a thousand correspondences were received by the park.

Park staff is now using the comments to further develop and modify the alternatives. This process, along with environmental analysis of each alternative, will continue through spring and summer. Release of the Draft Wilderness Stewardship Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is expected in late 2015 and will include another review and comment period.

This report includes the full text of all comments (correspondences) received during the public comment period for the preliminary draft alternatives for the WSP/EIS. This report, including the comments in this report, has not been screened for consistency with NPS law and policy, or for whether a particular comment is within the scope of the WSP/EIS.
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