Olympic National Park is preparing a Wilderness Stewardship Plan (WSP) to guide the long-term management of park lands designated as wilderness pursuant to the 1964 Wilderness Act. The WSP will establish long-term goals, monitoring, and management strategies that will protect wilderness character.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Conduct internal scoping to define purpose and need
Step 2. Conduct external scoping with the public, tribes, and agencies
Step 3. Analyze public comments and prepare comment report
Step 4. Develop preliminary alternatives
Step 5. Public review of preliminary alternatives
Step 6. Analyze public comments and prepare comment report
Step 7. Refine alternatives and analyze the effects *
Step 8. Select preferred alternative
Step 9. Prepare draft plan/EIS
Step 10. Public review of draft plan/EIS
Step 11. Analyze public comments and prepare comment report
Step 12. Prepare final plan/EIS
Step 13. Release final plan/EIS to the public
Step 14. Prepare Record of Decision (ROD) document
Step 15. Notify public of decision
Step 16. Implement selected alternative

The conclusion of the planning process will be a Final Wilderness Stewardship Plan and Environmental Impact Statement and a signed decision document.