South Turkey Run Park - Public Meeting #2

Join us to see draft concepts for the future of the Park!

The National Park Service is seeking your comments on an initial range of concepts for the future use and enjoyment of South Turkey Run Park. On September 26, 2019, the NPS will launch a 30-day public comment period to provide the public with an opportunity to review and provide comments on these draft concepts.

This second public comment period will build on the first public comment period conducted in April/May 2019, when the public was invited to share their vision for the park's future. We appreciate those who submitted comments and participated in the April 25th public meeting. We have reviewed the comments received and considered them in the development of the initial range of concepts for the Park.
Comment Period: Closed        Sep 26, 2019 - Oct 26, 2019
Document Content:
Public Meeting #1 Comment Summary   (191.5 KB, PDF file)
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