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Langley Fork Park Land Exchange EA
The National Park Service (NPS) proposes a land exchange with the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) in the Drainesville District of Fairfax County, Virginia. The NPS would exchange Langley Fork Park, a 52.17-acre site owned by the federal government and administered by the George Washington Memorial Parkway, with nearby Langley Oaks Park, a 101.65-acre site owned by FCPA and adjacent to NPS land.
This Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluated three action alternatives for the potential land exchange and proposed park improvements. The EA also evaluated the impacts of a no-action alternative, in which the exchange would not occur and the existing parks and facilities would not be altered. The NPS has identified "Alternative 4: Land Exchange with Mid-Level Development at Langley Fork Park by FCPA" as the preferred alternative. Under this alternative, NPS and FCPA would exchange Langley Fork Park with Langley Oaks Park, the exchange of which would facilitate improved recreational programming at Langley Fork Park by constructing additional athletic fields, enhancing existing facilities, providing upgraded parking, and creating trails.
Comment Period:
Apr 11, 2018 - May 11, 2018
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