Background Information

Background information that includes Panoramic Hwy Parking Lot Concept Plans (2004, 2013), Simplified Plan of Existing Muir Woods Entry Area (2012), Draft parking & Roadside Improvements (2012), Approximate Hourly Visitation (2011), Daily Visitation (1998-2013), and Topographic Survey of Muir Woods Entry Area (2010).
Document Content:
Concept Plan 2004.pdf   (686.8 KB, PDF file)
MW_TopoSurvey_Partial_2010.pdf   (815.4 KB, PDF file)
MWPH Concepts 22X34 - 11-08-13.pdf   (15.6 MB, PDF file)
MW_ExistingConditions_2012.jpg   (740.3 KB, Image file)
MW_RoadShoulderRestrictions_2012.pdf   (1.4 MB, PDF file)
MW_DailyVisitation_1998_2013.xls   (85.0 KB, .xls file)
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