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Access Reservation System, Muir Woods
Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Access Reservation System, Muir Woods » Document List
UPDATE - December 23, 2015: Acting Pacific West Regional Director Martha Lee approved the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The FONSI, Determination of No Impairment (DNI) and Errata are available under the "Documents List" tab.
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The NPS is proposing to create a parking reservation system that would support management of visitation to levels that meet park goals for safety, natural resource preservation, visitor experience, and public access. The reservation system is intended to be a long-term measure that will allow the park to work with visitors in advance of their arrival so that congestion, and its related impacts, can be minimized and the quality of the experience enhanced. NPS anticipates that the system would operate year-round and reservations would be made through a website, a call center, on site for less busy days, and possibly at other locations. Implementation of the reservation system would use existing park and county infrastructure; no new construction is being proposed.
A second public scoping meeting was held on Wednesday, June 18, 2014. The meeting was well attended and NPS has still made no final decisions regarding this proposal. The presentation that was given at this meeting is available for download on this website. Click on the Document List link to the left, then click on the link to the presentation dated June 18.
On October 23, 2015 the Muir Woods National Monument Reservation System Environmental Assessment was posted and made available for comment. The proposed reservation system was informed by goals outlined in the General Management Plan, the Redwood Creek Watershed Vision for the Future, transportation experts, and feedback from stakeholders and members of the public gathered over the last twenty months.
Contact Information 561-4700