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Final GMP Volume 1

Volume 1 includes Chapters 1 through 5 of the Final General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement.

Chapter 1: The Purpose of and Need for Action sets the framework for the entire document. It describes why the plan is being prepared and what needs it must address. It gives guidance for the alternatives that are being considered, which are based on the national park's legislated mission, its purpose, the significance of its resources, special mandates and administrative commitments, and servicewide mandates and policies.

Chapter 2: Alternatives, Including the Preferred Alternative, begins by describing the alternative concepts and includes the alternative maps. Mitigative measures proposed to minimize or eliminate the impacts are described just before the discussion of the alternatives considered but dismissed. The chapter concludes with summary tables of the alternatives and the environmental consequences of implementing those alternative actions, and an analysis of the environmentally preferred alternative.

Chapter 3: The Affected Environment describes those areas, resources, and values that would be affected by implementing actions in the various alternatives.

Chapter 4: Environmental Consequences analyzes the impacts of implementing the alternatives on topics described in the "Affected Environment" chapter. Methods that were used for assessing the impacts in terms of the intensity, type, and duration of impacts are outlined at the beginning of the chapter.

Chapter 5: Consultation and Coordination describes the history of public and agency coordination and compliance during the planning effort and lists agencies and organizations who will be receiving copies of this document.

Document Content:
Chapter 3 Affected Environment   (1.7 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 4 Environmental Consequences   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 5 Consultation and Coordination   (527.6 KB, PDF file)
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