The NPS, along with the BIA and the NRCS as cooperating agencies, will review this EA to determine whether the proposed project would result in any significant impacts to the human environment. If there are no significant impacts, the NPS Regional Director (Interior Regions 8, 9, 10, and 12), will issue a Finding of No Significant Impact and the NEPA process will be complete. If there is a likelihood that significant impacts would occur, then an Environmental Impact Statement would be prepared, and additional analysis and public review would be completed prior to the NPS issuing a Record of Decision.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Define purpose and need/develop preliminary alternatives
Step 2. Identify environmental impacts and select preferred alternative
Step 3. Prepare draft plan/environmental document
Step 4. Initiate ESA and NHPA Section 106 Consultation
Step 5. Public review of draft plan/environmental document
Step 6. Analysis of public comment
Step 7. Complete NHPA, ESA, and EFH consultations
Step 8. Prepare final plan/decision document
Step 9. Release final plan/decision document to the public *