PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

A Finding of No Significant Impact statement for the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Olympic National Park Plant Propagation Facility was signed by Pacific West Regional Director Jon Jarvis on July 1, 2005.

The EA analyzed the effects of alternative strategies for replacing and upgrading the park’s greenhouse facilities, including a no action alternative.

Alternative C-1 is the selected alternative because it will provide an adequately sized greenhouse and nursery facility capable of handling the park's plant propagation needs for park restoration activities, and meet the Elwha River Restoration project requirements, while protecting and preserving park resources.

The selected location will also provide partnership and educational opportunities.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Problem Identification
Step 2. Public Scoping for Issues and Alternatives
Step 3. Review of Public Input
Step 4. Development of Environmental Assessment
Step 5. Public Review of Environmental Assessment
Step 6. Compile and Analyze Public Comments
Step 7. Select Project Alternative
Step 8. Complete Decision Document
Step 9. Finalize Decision Document
Step 10. Notify Public of Decision and Selected Alternative *
Step 11. Start Project

The NPS will work with Clallam County in the site development and planning for the facility at Robin Hill Park. Construction is expected to begin in early spring 2006.