Public Meeting - January 29, 2015
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 29, 2015 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Stinson Beach Community Center`
32 Belvedere Avenue
Stinson Beach, California

The National Park Service invites you to a public meeting regarding the Stinson Beach Wastewater Rehabilitation project. You are welcome anytime during the hours listed below.

At this meeting NPS project team will present the proposed design and hold a question and answer discussion after the presentation.

The new treatment system will consist of rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the existing primary treatment systems and the addition of a secondary treatment system. Secondary treated wastewater would then be pumped to a drainfield on NPS property.

With the addition of a secondary treatment system and the relocation of the drainfield the NPS would be improving water quality effluent entering the ground and decommissioning primary treated drainfields from areas that have high groundwater.

This meeting follows an initial public comment period that occurred between November 7 and December 12, 2014.

Meeting Directions/Instructions: