Parkplanning may experience a brief five-minute outage today, March 6th, between 8 PM and 9 PM MT. Thank you for your patience.
Public Meeting
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Sep 7, 2011 6:30 PM 8:30 PM United States Park Police Anacostia Operations Facility
1901 Anacostia Drive SE
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia

Please join park staff and planners to learn about and comment on the DEIS. You are welcome anytime during the hours identified.

There will be a public meeting at the United States Park Police Anacostia Operations Facility on September 7th, 2011, from 6:30-8:30pm. There will be an open house from 6:30-7:00pm, a short presentation at 7:00pm, and a hearing to take public comments at 7:15pm. If you have any special needs, please call park headquarters at (202) 690-5185.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Meeting will take place at the USPP AOF Facility, located next to Anacostia Park Headquarters.


2. Exit the Anacostia Station by the "Kiss and Ride/Parking Garage" side - NOT the main Howard Road exit…

3. From top of escalator, go right--walking through the garage...

4. Towards the far end of the garage, exit left--toward chain link fence (outside), across Metro parking access road...

5. Look for gate in chain link fence, and go through gate into Anacostia Park...

6. The first one-story building is the National Park Service's National Capital Parks-East Headquarters (the large white building beyond is the U.S. Park Police). Once through the gate, walk up road toward the right--Main entrance faces the U.S. Park Police Helicopter Hanger.