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National World War II Memorial - All Documents and Projects

National Capital » District of Columbia

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial SHPO Initiation Letter
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial DC SHPO Concurrence on No Adverse Effect Finding
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial SHPO Section 106 Consultation Letter May 2021
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial World War II Memorial: FDR D-Day Design Schematic NCPC with Executive Director Recommendation
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial: FDR D-Day Prayer Design Concepts-CFA Presentation 5 20 2021
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial CFA Response to May 20 2021 Meeting
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial DC SHPO Concurrence Letter for Proposed location
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission Letter, December 18, 2015
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial World War II Memorial: FDR D-Day Design Concepts NCPC with Executive Director Recommendation 12.1.16
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial: FDR D-Day Prayer Design Concepts-CFA Presentation 11.17.16
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial CFA Concurrence Letter (Location)
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial FDR D-Day Prayer, June 6, 1944
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial CFA Response to November 28, 2016 Meeting
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial Prayer Plaque Presentation to NCMAC 8.31.15
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial SHPO Concurrence on Design Alternatives
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial: FDR D-Day Prayer Design Concepts-CFA Response 6.22.17
Placement of FDR Prayer Plaque or Inscription at World War II Memorial WWII Memorial: FDR D-Day Prayer Design Concepts-CFA Presentation 6.15.17
* Open for comment.