A wood plank boardwalk leading from the street towards the historic Lyon House (HS-08) will be expanded into a Y-shape near the main pedestrian boardwalk to allow for the installation of a 36" long wayside panel. The wayside will have single posts on either end that will be bolted to the sidewalk using a plate soldered to the bottom of the posts so the posts will not be inserted into the ground. The boardwalk will consist of planed oak 2x6s nailed to wooden runners on the additions, which will be attached to the existing boardwalk. The existing boardwalk is attached to concrete runners. The expanded boardwalk area will meet ADA standards for accessibility to the wayside, which will be installed so the reader is facing the house while standing on the expanded boardwalk and will be out of the direct pedestrian walkway.
The new area may not be centered on the existing walkway due to existing tree roots. One of the trees (sycamore) may be from the Lincoln era and efforts will be made to avoid the tree's surface root area. This may cause the new area to be skewed to the north but will still provide 36" clearance to allow for access to the wayside by visitors in wheelchairs.
Contact Information
Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235