Asan and Agat Units Management Plan

War in the Pacific National Historical Park » Asan and Agat Units Management Plan » Document List

The National Service (NPS) has completed a unit management plan and environmental assessment (UMP/EA) for the Asan Beach, Asan Inland, Agat, and Mt. Alifan Units of War in the Pacific National Historical Park. These areas include the most visited sites in the park. The four units allow people to explore the terrain where some of the fiercest fighting took place during the World War II Battle for Guam and appreciate the natural beauty of the island. The unit management plan identifies new or improved visitor opportunities, balances facility needs with resource preservation, and describes how the park will proactively manage impacts from climate change.

In developing this plan, we explored a range of ideas for managing the units. Your involvement in the planning process has been critical to this effort. Your thoughts and suggestions received through written comments and public meetings have helped to guide the process. We encourage you to continue to shape the long-term management of these important areas of the park by sending us your comments on this plan. Please click on the "Document List" link on the left side of this page to review the plan and environmental assessment. The comment period begins on January 17 and will extend through February 17, 2024.

We also invite you to join us for one of two public meetings planned for January 2024. At these events, park managers will explain the planning process, share the strategies proposed in the plan, answer your questions, and gather your comments. See the "Meeting Notices" link on the left side of the page for more information.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Monhåyan I plånon I Setbesion Plåset Nasionåt put I minanehan I unitu yan I inilåo I guinahan I uriya siha para iya Tåsen Assan, I Tano' siha giya Assan, Hågat yan I Uniton I Gera giya Sabånan Alifan na unitu siha para I Plåset Hestorikon Nasionåt I Geran Pasifiku. Guiya este siha na plåset ni' etmas sesso ma fatoigue. I kuattro na unitu siha u nina'fansiña I taotåo siha ma ilåo yan pokkåti I lugåt siha annai ma susedi I mansen atdet na minimu gi durånten I Geran Mundo Dos giya Guåhan yan u ma li'e' yan gosa I ginatbo-ña I isla. Este na minanehan plånu na umannok I nuebu ya lumamåolek para I mambisisita, u chinilong yan I nisisidåt-ña I fasilidåt siha yan put I inadahen I guinaha siha, yan umannok tumaimanu para lumamåolek mo'na I ma minanehan I lugåt ni' tinilaikan I kleman I tano'.

Annai ma fofotma este na plånu, sigi ma ilåo yan ma hassuyi manadan ideha ni' put håfa taimanu para u ma kalamtini mo'na este siha na unitu. Sumen empottånte I sumåonao-mu annai ma planeneha este. I punto siha ni' tinige'-mu yan I rikumendasion-mu ni' in risibi gi durånten I huntan I pupbleko siha, gumiha yan umayuda ham mo'na nu este. In e'eppok hamyo na en kontenuha umasiste ham fumotma I plånu para la'apmam tiempo ni' put tumaimanu ta mumaneha, ya en tuge'i ham ni' punto-mu para este na plånu.
Put fabot, atilek guatu I 'Listan Dåkiumento' na inachetton ni' gaige gi akague na bånda gi este na påhina para un ribisa I plånu yan put I inilåo I uriya. Para u ma tutuhon I nina'halom punto siha gi diha disisiette gi Ineru na mes esta I diha disisiette gi Fibreru, gi dos mit bente kuattråo na såkkan.

In kombibida hamyo lokkue', ya ta fanhita humunta gi unu gi dos na hunta ni' ma planeha guini gi Ineru na mes gi dos mit bente kuattro na såkkan. Gi este siha na hunta na para u fanggaige I manåotao I plåset para u ineksplika I tumaimanu I ma kalamte-ña I plånu, u ma oppe siha kuestion-mu, ya u ma nota siha I punto-mu. Atan I 'Nutisian Hunta siha' na inachetton gi akague na bånda gi påhina para mås na emfotmasion.

Ohallåra mohon na en tuge'i ham pat osino fåtto ya ta ali'e'!

Contact Information

War in the Pacific UMP Planning Team